Parents of couple who died in plane crash sues Bowen's Estate

Michael and Julian Casey

February twenty-sixth marked the first anniversary of the tragic plane crash that ended fatally for businessman Sir Barry Bowen. Michael and Jillian Casey as well as their two children, Makayla and Bryce, also perished in the accident. One year later, on Wednesday, a lawsuit was filed against Sir Barry's son Michael for damages. The case is being brought by Charles and Martha Casey, Michael's parents, along with Linda Schuess, Jillian's mother; they are suing for wrongful death.

Makayla & Bryce Casey

Attorney Fred Lumor filed the claim on February twenty-fifth and started serving papers on Wednesday but the matter has not yet been set for trial. Lumor, who spoke to our court reporter off camera, says that the company which insured the aircraft may settle out of court. Bowen and the Casey family were travelling to San Pedro on a Cessna Aircraft when a wing clipped an old barge during the landing, causing the plane to crash. In March, 2010, Belize Civil Aviation personnel at a press conference had ruled out mechanical problems.

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