On Thursday the Institute of Mexico will open an exhibition titled 'Cinco Mas Uno'. The exhibition, which will feature the work of six distinguished Mexican artists, will showcase contemporary and abstract pieces painted in the past year. Press Officer for the Mexican Embassy, Marcelino Miranda, says that the pieces depict the colorful histories of the artists.

Marcelino Miranda, Press Officer, Institute of Mexico

"We are presenting in this collection paintings and some photographs by these six prestigious artists from the Yucatan Peninsula. And as the public is going to observe most of this work is abstract works."

Andrea Polanco

"Approximately how many pieces will be on exhibition here?"

Marcelino Miranda

Marcelino Miranda

"There will be a little more than twenty pieces. This includes mainly paintings but also photographs. They also have different techniques. And as the public will see, we will have six different artists who have different histories, different trajectories in their professional career. They have accumulated more than, each one of them have more than thirty years of experience. This is one of the most important exhibitions that the Mexican Embassy is holding this year and at the same time we are proud to presenting these artists, who actually four out of six are going to be present here at the exhibition. So this is going to be also a good opportunity not only to enjoy the work but also to have contact with them."

The pieces in the exhibition will be for sale. The exhibition will run through to September second.

Channel 5