Ambergris Caye Crime Stoppers

I have watched over the past 6 months or so about the increase in crime on the island I call home and wondered what I could do since I am not in Belize right now so I have decided to set up a central web site to do what I can to help with the fight against Crime on the island and I have called it Ambergris Caye Crime Stoppers.

The focus on the site and facebook page is to have a central place where there is information available to protect yourself and your property and ways to make it harder for the criminals to commit crimes and the best way for that is prevention.

It also has a Wall of Shame where known criminals can be posted so everyone knows who they are and can keep and extra vigil.

Additionally the Twitter and facebook page and facebook group can act as an instant notification system so if a crime is committed or boat stolen etc then the whole island can be notified within minutes of the crime being committed and Instantly you have 40,000 sets of eyes on the lookout.

The whole focus of the site is to post articles on security and crime prevention as well as keep the whole community informed about who the Criminals are and to fight crime as a united community.

On some of the posts there will be links to Amazon where recommended items can be purchased (if not available locally) and any purchases made through those links Amazon pays a 4% commission and this will be put aside and then a decent amount is available we will it to purchase items that can be donated to police or anything else that the group decides.

Here are the sites

Ambergris Caye Crime Stoppers (Work in Progress)

Facebook page

You can Join the facebook group here

Follow us on twitter


Please LIKE the facebook page and get onboard with this as i am sure with the Power of the Community, Social Media and technology we can make it way harder for criminals to operate.

Gaz Cooper

Last edited by Gaz Cooper; 06/12/12 12:44 AM.