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April 27, 2012

Well, the weather was fairly good all weak long, except for a few showers here and there. Also it was a bit unusual to get the breeze to be blowing from the northwest. And it did pretty strong for a couple of days, but it was welcomed, since all we had been having is hot humid weather. So it help cooled down the island a bit.

Anyway, my Turneffe fishing trip turned out to be a barracuda catching trip. I saw a big marlin jump and a sailfish but could not get none of them to bite. I ended up catching 16 barracudas, a king mackerel and a tuna, but a slow day of fishing beats any day at the office!!

Now, I cannot say the same for the reef fishing and the night fishing!! The reef fishing has been doing great! I have been fishing the drop off at around 130 feet of water and have been catching lots of Spanish mackerels, ocean trigger fish, big yellow tail snappers, strawberry and nassau groupers and horse eye jacks as well!! I have been using cut bait on the bottom and live bait on floating line and it has been doing great. Live sardines and lots of chum Is the way to go!! Now don't ask me the spot, cause it is not going to happen. U will have to come down so I can take u out personally and blind folded too! Ha ha!! Just kidding!!

The night fishing was excellent too. Well at least for the tarpon. I got to go out one night and boy, were they biting !!! I landed 4 all ranging from 40 to 60 lbs and we could had easily landed 10 if the anglers I had were not so novice!!! They were biting with live sardines at the channels at the south end of the island right at sun down. That is the good thing about living on my island, ( La Isla Bonita ) because there is such a diversity of fish that u can always go out and be sure enough to catch something !!!

Well until next week, but for now, keep those lines tight !!

by Capt Hillyboo

Tarpon fishing at night.

Marty #436981 05/02/12 11:17 AM
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Week of April 22-28, 2012

Weather Conditions: Mostly clear - cooler for this time of year.

Winds: 15-20 mph early in the week, starting from the North and moving to NE, E. Week ended with 10 @ NE.

Air Temperature: Highs in the mid 80's and the lows were in the low 70's.

Water Temperature: around 80 degrees

Moonphase: The new moon was on April 21


BONEFISH: lots of bonefish on Sunday.. 25 to Sal on his first day of fly fishing! Another boat had a 50 fish day! Beginning fly fishermen Bill and his son Sean had 2 great days of bonefish, Aud from Norway boated a bunch of bonefish and then cheered Jon as he hooked another tarpon. And the bonefish in front of the lodge just keep getting bigger! George and I were talking and he wanted to know what fly I used a few weeks back on a nice bone in front of the lodge. He had landed one that day, and wanted to compare. Usually we are thinking "smaller for smarter fish�like a 10 with a few wraps." We were both successful on a size 6 tan and fat shrimp pattern.

PERMIT: A few shots every day for the few that went permit fishing - what happened after that makes the story. Tim and Captain Kechu had a nice permit on, but not landed. It's was Tim's second cast of his trip! Jon of course cleaned up with Kechu earlier in the week with 4 permit bites, and two landed. Nice.

TARPON: 3 hookups and one to the boat for Jerry and guide Tomas on Monday. Captain Kechu and Jon landed a 60 lb fish from Savannah!

SNOOK: Snook were not targeted.


FOR BONES - Some with weed guards�but Gotchas, Christmas Island Special, Small crabs, in size 8 and 6.

FOR PERMIT - Our "rice and beans" = Christmas Island Specials, size 4 and 6. Also, tan crab patterns in 6.

FOR TARPON - Brown cockroach pattern with some EP fibers to spice things up. Size 3/0. Black death, and then tan toads, white, white and chartreuse bunny's - size 1/0 - 3/0.

This Week's Summary:

It's the time of year we have been waiting for. Nice sunny days, and all the fish are in town. The big girls, tarpon up to 200 lbs are starting to show. We expect to see the masses in a few weeks. Thank you to Ed for doing a great job as fishing director while I had a chance to see friends, family and fish in the States. The highlight for me this week back home at EP was watching Ali teach our guides Fly Fishing Federation guidelines as they prepare for testing at the end of May. Ali is learning as she is teaching, and she has their 100% attention as they take on learning the language of fly casting instruction. Follow her on facebook as we all learn together! We have had great fishing, good times, and we are all pumped up on casting!

Guide of the week: Captain Kechu. Jon and Kechu targeted the grand slam. It happened in two days instead of one, but all the same, nice going! 2 permit on fly and one 60 lb tarpon on fly with several respectable bonefish

Ed & L-A [email protected]

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador Guest Jerry with his Tarpon � and great catch and release technique!

Marty #437049 05/03/12 08:52 AM
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May 3, 2012

We have had beautiful weather all week long, especially in the mornings. It has been very calm with a light breeze picking up in the afternoons, which is very much welcomed, since it has been mostly hot and humid lately; but at least it is good fishing weather.

This weekend, we are hosting our annual dorado fishing rodeo fishing competition. It has always had good participation and it has some attractive cash prices to go with it as well!! If anybody is interested in fishing it, u can contact me through my email, [email protected]. Or call my cell number 011-501-6657106 for more info. I won it a couple of years ago!!!

Anyway the fishing has been pretty good this week. The reef fishing has been average, with big barracudas hitting on the drop off along the reef. And the snappers and groupers have also been a bit active as well. Now if u want to catch the deep water snappers and the deepwater yellow fin groupers, u better be prepaired to reel them in from anywhere from 250 to 500 ft of water!!! And these are plentiful, if u find the right spot, but preferably using an electric reel because after reeling in a couple of these fish from that dept, u are ready to pass out! It Is like going to the gym!!!

The mutton snappers should be biting on this next moon. It is spawning month for them. U can catch them all along the drop off in about 80 to 130 ft of water but the best place to catch is at Rocky Point. These fish average from 15 to 25 lbs and u can fill a big cooler of them if u hit the right spot.

The offshore was a bit slow around the main reef, but my brother Mike, did excellent at the Wahoo Honeyhole at the atoll of Lighthouse Reef ( that us where the famous Blue Hole us located). He is a dive master at Amigos del Mar dive shop and occasionally does private fishing charters, for people that have their own boats. Well, they landed 9 wahoo's and 42 tuna's and a whole lot of barracudas !!! Now that is a good fishing day, and almost beats my record of 14 wahoo's and 47 tuna's for one day!! It is a good thing that I taught him everything he knows !!! Ha ha ! Just had to rub it in!!

The flats have been doing very good. Especially for the bone fish and permit . Lots of them! I went bone fishing a couple of times this week and several times I had double hook ups and landed too!!! I am even attaching a picture of one of my double hook ups, as proof; because as u know all fishermen are liars except for me and u, and sometimes I am not so sure about u!!!

Until next week, Capt Hillyboo
Tight lines!!!!!

Bonefishing at the Cangrejo Honeyhole.

Marty #437909 05/14/12 08:00 AM
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May 13, 2012

Well this week was a very exciting fishing week. Capt Shark's together with Holiday Hotel hosted the 6th annual Dorado Fishing Tournament and it was a success. A total of 19 boats participated.

The boat Cristina took first place landing 2 dorado's, and the Real Deal, captained by yours truly, me ( Hillyboo Lara) came out with the second place landing 2 dorado's as well, but only 1 of them qualified giving me the second place. My girlfriend caught the fish and sadly we lost a second one. It was a big bull. The Aliyah Marley captained by Ricky Marin came out 3rd. The fishing was good but could have been better if the tournament had not been held during a full moon. And full it was. It was the closest full moon to the earth we have had in a while. And fish usually feed at night because of the abundance of bait fish around.

Anyway, the flats have been doing really well for tarpon since it is tarpon season here on the island and the night fishing has been doing excellent too. Wednesday night, I landed about 10 and lost about 5 and that is because I only had only one angler.

The bones and the permit are also active too.

We are also getting ready for our next tournament which will be sponsered by the Belikin company. And will be called the San Pedro Day Belikin Spectacular Blue Water Fishing Tournament.

Well until next week, keep those lines tight. Capt Hillyboo

My girlfriend's second place dorado

Marty #438103 05/16/12 11:58 AM
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Week of May 5 - May 12, 2012

Weather Conditions: Sunny skies, a little wind, and flat out beautiful.

Winds: E 5 - 15. Some days in the back it was N, NE.

Air Temperature: Highs in the mid 80's and the lows were in the low 70's.

Water Temperature: around 80 degrees

Moonphase: Last quarter on the 12th.


BONEFISH: Cindy practiced her casting before she came with Anthony�and when she received her bonefish award she was beaming. She truly decided to learn something new and accomplished a dream - landing a bonefish on a flyrod. Natalie landed a huge 22 inch bonefish when out with her husband Chad, also a first. So many bonefish were landed on fly and spin, that the general comment was, " we lost track."

PERMIT: Lisa had three permit on with Captain Carlos, landed one. Then she landed another one the next day. All on fly. Captain Emir put Shelley onto her first permit on fly. Chuck landed permit with Captain Cesar - and had a big fish break off on Friday. He brought a quiver of flyrods - he came to play hard! David killed it this week with Captain Kechu - 2 permit on fly, one of them wading. Most fish landed were between 5 - 15 lbs. Des landed a 30 lb permit on live crab, and John and John ripped it up with Captain Sinoe - 3 large permit on live crab. Last but not least, Chad came here to land a permit and he did with Captain Tomas. Nice work!

TARPON: Betsy jumped a tarpon on Savannah with Captian Carlos. She is forever hooked. I told her�."It's like a handshake from God." It will wake you up! Chad had a tarpon on with Captain Tomas, also came unbuttoned. You know they can't stop thinking about those bites! David landed a nice tarpon with Captain Kechu on Savannah, about a 25 pounder. Des also landed a tarpon with Captian Kechu. Both on fly. Captain Emir had Phillip and Shelley down south, and THE BIG GIRLS ARE IN!!!!!!!!!!! They are going out tomorrow morning at 5:30 armed and ready.

SNOOK: Snook were not targeted.


FOR BONES - some with weed guards�but Gotchas, Christmas Island Special, Small crabs, in size 8 and 6.

FOR PERMIT - Our "rice and beans" = Christmas Island Specials, size 4 and 6. Also, tan crab patterns in 6.

FOR TARPON - Brown cockroach pattern with some EP fibers to spice things up. Size 3/0. Black death, and then tan toads, white, white and chartreuse bunny's - size 1/0 - 3/0.

This Week's Summary:

It was a magic week. The weather was perfect and it was hard to keep track of what was being landed. Fishing is like you read about right now. It was also a special week because we remember Logan and his vision for El Pescador. His family, Chris, Steve and Ali have taken El Pescador and made it one of the best fishing lodges in the world. He touched many of the staff members that still work here today. It's been ten years and his spirit lives here everyday. The guides share big adventure stories about fishing with Logan. He was an incredible fisherman. Logan you would be so proud. I'm very lucky to know and live your dream. We wear it on our shirts, "El Pescador Family."

Guide of the week: Captain Carlos for getting Lisa and Betsy into fly fishing saltwater heaven. And for being so patient with them as they learned and accomplished landing fish way beyond their dreams.

L-A [email protected]

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador Guest Doug J with his Permit

Marty #438599 05/22/12 05:36 PM
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Week of May 12 - 20th, 2012

Weather Conditions: And just like that, the weather got mixed up! It's May, and we are not supposed to have northeasters now! It's been a tough week on our anglers; wind, rain and a few sunny sucker holes that save the day.

Winds: NE 5 - 15.

Air Temperature: Highs in the high 80's and the lows were in the mid 70's.

Water Temperature: around 80 degrees

Moonphase: New moon and solar eclipse on the 20th.


BONEFISH: So we decided to start fishing for our fish right out in front of the lodge. We have given them a break. Everyone thinks that they are too tough to catch because they are the "lodge fish." Well, it's been pretty darn entertaining this week. With tough days of tarpon fishing, or permit fishing - it's nice to challenge ourselves casting to some pHd bones. And when it all comes together, it is really rewarding. Way to go Page for waking us up to our own front yard! Sandy, Tess���I know you were wondering if you were going to catch bonefish, and now that you have, there is nothing else to fear!

PERMIT: Kinda tough permit fishing this week. They are here, but we need the SUN! Kechu has done an amazing job finding his guests tailing permit in the Park. Way to go. Bruce landed a permit with Emir, and that was wonderful. Bruce came here to land permit. There were shots, and a lot of follows, but no eats. The moon is getting smaller, so get ready.

TARPON: I have been saying to our anglers who are absolutely crazed about tarpon: "We have a 1 800 number for you! Sandy said she has never seen her husband so obsessed, and after hearing about all his fishing adventures that is a statement. All the same, Captain Luis's team has ripped it up. Hooked 11 in three days and landed 3. Captain Cesar had John and Donna into tarpon as well. John landed a nice 20lb tarpon on fly after a few previous grabs. Toby had fish with Captain Tomas that came unbuttoned. Sandy had tarpon on live sardine�.and the fish was so big it kept running and spooled her. We have Donna and Belinda here who are fishing with their husbands. They rock. Always ready to go and let me tell you, they can get the cast where it need to be. I expect to hear about landed tarpon from them soon.

SNOOK: Snook were not targeted.


FOR BONES - Some with weed guards�but Gotchas, Christmas Island Special, Small crabs, in size 8 and 6.

FOR PERMIT - some with weed guards�but Gotchas, Christmas Island Special, Small crabs, in size 8 and 6.

FOR TARPON - Brown cockroach pattern with some EP fibers to spice things up. Size 3/0. Black death, and then tan toads, white, white and chartreuse bunny's - size 1/0 - 3/0.

This Week's Summary:

Just when we were thinking we were never going to see another rain storm again�.ahh, all havoc was unleashed. Pretty much the whole week has been working around the weather. The fish are all here, but we need the sun. Success has been with tailing fish, or waking fish. Our anglers this week are for the most part, experienced angers. They know about weather. They booked on a new moon with morning rising tides. It should be perfect. We have a part of our personality that is all about denial, but soon that doesn't work. And yes, even for me. I get to live here, but I never take my fishing for granted. You have to go when you can and make the best of it. I was sad today because I want and I mean I'm overdue for a fish. I felt all the emotions�"It's going to be OK�one more cast�.let's check a different spot�I hate my guide....Oh, not really." Believe me, they want it just as bad as we do. So, today when I was kinda down because I came home fishless, I heard myself talking. Our head cook, Miss Arminda was on the dock with her grandchildren. They were fishing with hand lines and one of the kids was trying really hard not to cry. "I lost "my biggest fish ever!" I said to him, "A true fisherman never gives up."

Guide of the week:

L-A [email protected]

Marty #438736 05/24/12 06:58 AM
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May 13, 2012

Well it was not a good fishing week since it poured most of the time. It rained so hard that quite a few boats that did not have automatic bilge pumps, even sunk!! Thanks god I got to one of my small boats in time, otherwise it would have turned into a submarine as well!!

Anyway, some of us did manage to get out and fish for a couple of days. A friend of mine went out and caught 14 nice black fin tuna's! They usually don't start biting until late on the evening since they are nocturnal feeders by nature; and they are about 5 to 7 miles offshore, so you better have a fast boat to get back in time to make it through the channels by the reefs, since it gets dark pretty early down here.

I had a couple of hardcore fishermen from England, that no matter what, rain or shine were determined to go out fishing. Now it is prime time tarpon season here on the island and I was able to hook them up with a few tarpon. Actually we landed four of them!!!

Big barracuda's are biting pretty good and some kingfish too. Oh and I almost forgot, lots of Spanish mackerel as well. It is the season for them.

The commercial fishermen are starting to get ready for the lobster season which starts on the 15 th of next month, so you can see all the lobster fishermen taking their lobster shades to their favorite fishing spots.

Well I guess until next week again and I hope I will have more exciting fishing stories for you, since the weather seems to be clearing up. Until them, tight lines!!

Capt Hillyboo

Nice kingfish

Marty #439076 05/28/12 06:02 PM
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Week of May 20 - 27th, 2012

Weather Conditions: A week dealing with storms with a couple of nice days thrown in. The 23rd and 24th were pretty nice, but we had big wind, thunderstorms, and a lot of rain the rest of the week.

Winds: ESE 10- 30.

Air Temperature: Highs in the high 80's and the lows were in the mid 70's.

Water Temperature: around 80 degrees

Moonphase: New moon on the 20th, First Quarter on the 28th.


BONEFISH: Scott came here to do one thing: "Land bonefish." When he landed his first bonefish with Captain Raton, heaven could hear him. He is a professional tier and his fly boxes are a thing of beauty. We had Scott at our fly tying bench everyday watching him do his magic tying bonefish and, yes, now permit, patterns. He saw a permit and now�"I have to come back and that will be the only thing I focus on! Dickey said, "Ahh, I'm not serious, I'm just here to have fun. I don't think I'll be catching any bonefish - that's too fancy for me." Dickey has landed several bonefish on fly and looks like he has thing this thing figured out!

PERMIT: Good moon for permit, but tough light! We had a few "eats" but none landed this week. And the fly used was a rubber legged Gotcha, size 4. Isa saw an 8lb permit swimming around the dock at about 4 am�.sometimes good things are right at your front door.

TARPON: In spite of the weather we have had some nice tarpon fishing. Lee and Cesar have known each other for years and they both landed their first tarpon this trip on fly. Good thing because they showed up with some really fancy stuff and they got to use it! Thanks to Scott for tying the boys a few flies on size 4/0 (cuz that's all we had) circle hooks. That was the ticket. John also landed a tarpon on fly with Captain Cesar. John likes to use his spey rod for tarpon fishing and he has landed a lot of tarpon this way. It was fun to bring out the long rods this week and play out on the casting platform. Tim and Sandy ripped it up with Captain Luis. They came here to go after tarpon and each day they hooked up! Tim on fly and Sandy on spin, they averaged 2 hook up a day with fish over 100 lbs, one fish Tim had was around 120 - Luis said. They didn't land one this time, but they will soon, I'm sure. Tim has that possessed look in his eye, and Sandy is apologizing for his behavior when he misses fish. And then there is Page's story. He and Captain Erlindo spent a week chasing tarpon. Page extended his trip two days because, " I have to figure this thing out. I want that fish." Life back home was not prepared for tarpon addiction, but in the end it all worked out. I went out to the dock at 4:30 pm. Erlindo looked up at me and said, "140 pounder man�the fish was huge!" Guides tend to exaggerate but not Erlindo. He's seen it all, so he doesn't have to. Page fought this giant fish for close to an hour with a 10wt outfit! They had the fly line in twice�.Happy birthday Page.

SNOOK: Snook were not targeted.


FOR BONES - Some with weed guards�but Gotchas, Christmas Island Special, Small crabs, in size 8 and 6.

FOR PERMIT - Our "rice and beans" = Christmas Island Specials, size 4 and 6. Also, tan crab patterns in 6. And finally, a new fly working well! Rubber legged Gotcha's size 4 and 6.

FOR TARPON - Brown cockroach pattern with some EP fibers to spice things up. Size 3/0. Black death, and then tan toads, white, white and chartreuse bunny's - size 1/0 - 3/0. The guides prefer flies on circle hooks for better landing success.

This Week's Summary:

I heard Judy say the other day, "We are having an early summer and that's all there is to it." OK. I agree. As long as we have short periods of rain, I'm OK. But shut out days are tough. We did have one of those, but everyone was a super good sport. And when the weather cleared, some headed up the beach to chase tailing bones, and then some went in the lagoon and found adventure standing in the canoe and casting to schools of bones as they passed by. We have experienced anglers and novices here this week. Everyone is here to up their fly fishing game chasing these amazing fish on the flats. We had Scott tying at the bench and I learned a ton from him, thanks Scott! We had some incredible photography - soon to be posted on facebook. And a really wonderful thing is something that is so entrenched in the roots of fly fishing - sharing. Sharing knowledge, showing casts and flies, and giving each other support. Thanks everyone for a fun week and reminding me about new beginnings.

Guide of the week:

L-A [email protected]

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador Guest Jerry and his Tarpon

Marty #439792 06/05/12 09:12 AM
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Week of May 27th - June 3rd , 2012

Weather Conditions: We have been dealing with a tropical wave covering Ambergris Caye, except for the 31st which was flat out pretty and all of us were worshiping the sun.

Winds: ENE, ESE 10 - 30 as the storm moved.

Air Temperature: Highs in the high 80's and the lows were in the mid 70's.

Water Temperature: around 80 degrees

Moonphase: First Quarter on the 28th.


BONEFISH: Jeff landed a beauty with Captain Sinoe. Pictures will be posted, so check out the girth. Mitchell also had some nice bonefish with Captain Vince his last day out. The tide was early morning, falling most of the day, so bonefishing was not easy. They just get squirrelly when the tide gets low, and we had some big tides this week. So low that the flat in front of the lodge was exposed until the tide rose in the late evening.

PERMIT: Tim Rajeff - yes, live here at El Pescador this week, landed a nice 12 lb permit with Captain Emir. That was the only permit landed. There were shots, but most of the week was plagued with tough light. Pictures to be posted on facebook this week.

TARPON: Doug let his son Andrew have most of the fishing time with Captain Gilberto. At one part of the day, Andrew hands his father the rod, while he reaches for a wrap. Apparently the fly in the water moved just enough to get the attention of Mr. Tarpon. Tarpon on, and 40 lb tarpon landed. Indeed. Next story. Scott and Eric are out fishing with Captain Emir. The big girls are in down south, so they were just south of Hicks Caye when a huge tarpon eats Scott's blind cast�.Emir said it was his biggest fish - they are guessing 140 lbs. Hardy has sent El Pescador six Sintrix rods. Everyone is loving the one piece design and Scott was using the 12 wt with a Rio tropical intermediate line and a Hatch 11 cranked down all the way. The fish was landed after a long battle, but when Emir grabbed the leader, the fish shook and the one piece rod became a six piece rod. Scott is a Hemmingway guy, so this was his big fish. Hardy gave him the rod to take home and have the thing framed. And finally, Eric - who I used to guide with years ago in Jackson Hole - lands a nice 80 lb tarpon of fly the next day. Way to go home boy!

SNOOK: Snook were not targeted.


FOR BONES - some with weed guards�but Gotchas, Christmas Island Special, Small crabs, in size 8 and 6.

FOR PERMIT - Our "rice and beans" = Christmas Island Specials, size 4 and 6. Also, tan crab patterns in 6. And finally, a new fly working well! Rubber legged Gotcha's size 4 and 6.

FOR TARPON - Brown cockroach pattern with some EP fibers to spice things up. Size 3/0. Black death, and then tan toads, white, white and chartreuse bunny's - size 1/0 - 3/0. The guides prefer flies on circle hooks for better landing success.

This Week's Summary:

What a week! Huge congratulations to Captain Cesar for being the first Belizean to become a Certified Casting Instructor by The Fly Fishing Federation. His certificate is signed by one of his testers, Tim Rajeff. Tim is well known in fly fishing as a world champion fly caster. He grew up casting at the Golden Gate Casting Club in San Fransciso with Mel Krieger down the street. Cesar is a second generation San Pedrano guide who loves to cast. He consistently wins any casting competition he enters. Casting ~ reaching beyond borders and generations. The other huge kudo goes out to Ali. Ali is doing an incredible job coaching the guide team toward this goal of certification. The feeling around here has been electric. And then we all thanked Tim Rajeff and Katherine Hart for spending the week with us here at El Pescador. They conducted four afternoon clinics for the guides, and guests participated as well. It's not everyday you have a world champion show up and share what they know. Katherine is a Master Certified Instructor and also competes. We got to know each other in fly casting competition and now our friendship continues with our fishing. Anglers this week had disappointment with the weather, but we were able to learn from each other and that might not be a big fish, but it's worth a lot.

Guide of the week:

L-A [email protected]

Fishing photo of the week:

El Pescador Jeff and his Beauty of a Bonefish!

Marty #439959 06/06/12 09:34 PM
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When I come and I want to fish do I need a fishing license?

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