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What a beautiful young woman...I am so sad, I did not know her but saw such grace and wisdom in her photos...

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for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the murderer of Jasmine Lowe.

Call: 911 or 0-800-922-tips

Cash Reward is up to $10,000 or more depending on the quality of information.
All tips are confidential.



por información que conduzca al arresto y condena del asesino de Jasmine Lowe.

Llame al: 911 ó 0-800 922-TIPS

Recompensa en efectivo es de hasta $ 10,000 o m�s dependiendo de la calidad de la información.

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Rumours are flying around that the murderer of Jasmine has been apprehended - there was a mob at the police station in San Ignacio today, ready to take matters in their own hands. The suspect - a well know businessman - was arrested in relation to the disappearance of another young girl who was found in his company. Apparently the police found Jasmine's ring in his car. The person is a known child molester and I am waiting for the official news to be posted on line.
I really hope they caught the murderer and he is off the streets for good!!

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Police questioning suspect in relation to Jasmine Lowe

[Linked Image] There appears to be a major break in the murder of thirteen year old Jasmine Lowe of Santa Elena, Cayo where police are preparing for the arraignment of a well-known Belize City man for her murder. The sensational arrest was made on Monday, two weeks after she was found dead near a farm in Cristo Rey. The shocking murder of the young girl sent shock waves throughout the country and in the west, where it hit home hard, the community has been agitating for an arrest. The arrest of the businessman came when he was caught with a minor in his vehicle and four others came forward alleging that he preyed on them. Jasmine's mother also says she has identified her daughter's ring, which was found in his car. Freelance reporter Duane Moody reports.

Duane Moody, Reporting

The residents of the Twin Towns of San Ignacio/Santa Elena gathered in front of the San Ignacio Police Station chanting for justice this morning. Police have apprehended a suspect in the murder of thirteen year old Jasmine Lowe. He is a well-known businessman that is no stranger to the courts. Jasmine's mother, Marisol Lowe, says a ring bellowing to Jasmine was found in his possession.

Marisol Lowe, Mother of Jasmine Lowe [Linked Image]
"When they told me that the man is there, I just felt like I want to see who is the guy."

Duane Moody
"What have you heard has happened or who is he?"

Marisol Lowe
"The police haven't told me really what's happened but they tell me that they think it is the guy because they found the ring. And yes it is the ring because I went to see it yesterday; last night actually and it is the ring."

Duane Moody
[Linked Image] "And it was found in his possession?"

Marisol Lowe
"Yes it was found on him; on his bag and I know that it is the ring because it has six diamonds-five is real and one is not real-plus it was broken and I had it fixed for her because it was mine. I had it for nine years. But this is really hard. I just wish that there is justice."

The detainee was nabbed around four p.m. on Monday with a minor in a remote area in Santa Elena in a police search for a missing teenager.

Alberto Palma, President, Bishop Martin neighborhood Watch Committee [Linked Image]
"We received a report around two-thirty yesterday that a child was missing and so we got together and we came to the police station because we were ready to organize search parties and things like that; because we were not going to leave it for long. At the same time that that was going on, the police started going search all over the place and they say they encountered this car somewhere in a back road and that's when they stopped and searched the car and they saw the guy with a little girl in the car. Some other little girls came forward and they identified and the car and they said that that was the car that was following them."

Duane Moody
"Following them?"

Alberto Palma
"One little girl said that the car stopped and told her that he is lost and he is looking for a place and that he will pay her money to take her. And the little girl ran and told him know that she is going to school and that's how she got away."

[Linked Image] Several minors claim they have been approached by the suspect in a grey in color Kia car. Seventeen year old student of Sacred Heart High School, Nathania Ochoa, with consent from her mother, recounted her experience last Thursday, June fourteenth.

Nathania Ochoa, Victim of Attempt Kidnapping
"Two blocks away from Sacred Heart College, this car stop me and ask me if I dah from den yah areas and weh I gwen and if I go dah college-if I dah wah sixth former or a fourth former-a lot of personal questions. And ih ask me weh I gwen afterwards. And then ih mi di ask me fi show ahn this shop around the corner on Bullet Tree Road. And so I tell he that I can't because I have to go to college and I have things to do. But he still mi di insist fi mek I get ina the vehicle with ahn and he said that it neva mi wha take long; that it would only take fifteen to twenty minutes and he could offer me thirty dollars for the amount of time. I tell him I can't and no and thing. I think he get tired and thing and so he gone. Thinking he gone fi good, right before reaching heart again, I meet him again and he tell me that dehn yah people just text him and he di ask for Greedy's cause he noh know weh part Greedy's deh. So I tell he ih noh far from yah and I mi di give him directions. But then he said he really need mi help. And so I tell him, if you really need help, you could ask the young bwai weh di come behind me. And he said that he noh like deal with young bwai. So right there so, other things come to my head that maybe this dah something else and he noh really need help."

[Linked Image] Duane Moody
"What color vehicle was he in and did you recognize him?"

Nathania Ochoa
"Well I neva recognize him and I neva recognize ih vehicle. Ih vehicle dah mi wah lee silver four door vehicle; the glass very tinted and like dehn lee Toyota corolla like; dehn lee car."

Duane Moody
"When you did go online, did you confirm that it was the same person that approached you?"

[Linked Image] Nathania Ochoa
"Yeah it was him. Wah man weh mi deh deh from Greedy's he do the searching and everything and he show me the picture of the person and dah mi he. As I see he, dah he dah mi di person and then when I see the vehicle dah station, I coulda mi recognize the vehicle too. So dah mi he right deh."

[Linked Image] But the residents are adamant that justice must be served. They have been outside the station from the onset of the investigation.

Ernie Braun, Cayo Resident
"But this is too much and the public says enough is enough so the public says don't let anything happen now. We will be here and we want to let them know that we expect something to happen now."

Duane Moody for News Five.
This Wednesday, there is a call for a protest when the businessman will be taken to court.

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Child Predator Caught In Cayo With Jasmine's Ring

Last night we reported that Cayo police had arrested a man who was soliciting girls from that western town to take a ride in his vehicle.

Well today that news spread like wildfire through a community - already angered and impassioned about the murder of 13 year old Jasmine Lowe.

So things were at a fever pitch today - as the girl he was caught with, and another he tried to solicit were brought into the police station for an ID parade.

Monica Bodden was in Cayo most of the day to witness the goings-on - and she has this report:..

Monica Bodden reporting
Today this silver Kia car is parked inside the San Ignacio police station's compound. While the owner of that vehicle is detained by police for questioning - particularly in relation to 13 year old Jasmine Lowe's murder.

The alleged child predator was caught by police around 6 yesterday evening in the Branch Mouth Area between Benque and San Ignacio Town.

Reports are that a minor was inside his vehicle at the time it was intercepted. But who gave police the tip off about this suspect?

Well earlier that day there were two different incidents that occurred, which involved two minors. According to both girls, the suspected predator tried to lure them inside his vehicle by offering them money to take him to particular places in town. After the young girls refused, they then went on to report the strange encounter to the police. We spoke to one of the parents and the child whose face we cannot show:..

"When she reached home like 10:30 Thursday morning, she was kind of nervous. She told me 'mom, I think they were going to kidnapped me' I ask her what happen. She told me that when she was going to get a transport to go to college this vehicle came up by her side and the gentleman bring down the glass of his vehicle and started to ask her personal questions about where she was going, if she was a high school student and if she was in 4th form or 6th form. She says that she told him that she was going to college and then he told her that he was look for a store on the Bullet Tree Road but he doesn't know where it is and if she could be kind enough to go with him in the vehicle to show him where the store is, but she told him no, she cannot go because she have to go to college. She says the man told her that it won't take long, it will only take like 10-15 minutes and he can give her $30. She says no I cannot because I have to go to college and I have to go to my grandmother house. He was still insisting to her to get in the vehicle to show him this place but she keeps repeating no."

"He went and she thought that the man went for good, but when she was going up like a block more before college she says that the vehicle came beside her again but this time he changed the story; he told her that he just received a text from his friends and his friends are at "Gredis" and that if she could take him there because he doesn't know where "Gredis" is and she told him no I cannot, I have to go to college, he says that it won't take long, it will just take like 15-20 minutes and I can bring you back to college after that if you are in a hurry. She told him no, he say that he really need your help because I don't know where "Gredis" is."

Voice of Student
"What seemed fishy is that he was offering money and the other thing is that he didn't want help from young boy that was there. The next thing is that the second time he talk to me, he open the passenger side door, so in a way he was like inviting me to sit down to make me feel comfortable with him. That was a sign that was suspicious."

"When she told me I was thinking about the situation and I told her lets go to the police station and go give a report of that. Even though we didn't have any license plates number, she said that she could describe the vehicle and description of the person. That's what we did; we went to the police station and give a report. The officers there Mrs. Flowers and Mrs. Reynolds were very helpful. That same moment they ask us if we could go in the vehicle with them and try to see the vehicle. We were in San Ignacio and Santa Elena but we couldn't locate the vehicle at that moment, like it just disappeared."

Monica Bodden
"Now you understand that the vehicle is there at the police station. Did you guys go there to identify it?"

"Yes, they call us and we were there last night and yes it's the same vehicle and according to her it's the same person because she saw some pictures of him on the internet."

But while at the station reports are that police made several findings inside the silver Kia - including several different license plates, some hair and a gold ring. Jasmine Lowe's mother was called in by police last night to see if she could have identified the ring that was found inside the vehicle driven by the suspected predator. According to her, it was a perfect match. The same ring she gave her daughter for her 13th birthday in April.

Monica Bodden
"When the police call you what did they say?"

Marisol Lowe - Jasmine Lowe's mother
"That they found Jasmine's ring."

Monica Bodden
"So they needed you to go and identify it. When you went down to the station what happened then?"

Marisol Lowe - Jasmine Lowe's mother
"When I went there the police showed me the paper and I was shock."

Monica Bodden
"Then they showed you the ring?"

Marisol Lowe - Jasmine Lowe's mother

Monica Bodden
"You positively identified it as your daughter's?"

Marisol Lowe - Jasmine Lowe's mother

Monica Bodden
"Can you describe the ring to us?"

Marisol Lowe - Jasmine Lowe's mother
"It has six diamonds but there was one that was not diamond, only 5."

Monica Bodden
"So there were six diamond stones on it. That was your ring?"

Marisol Lowe - Jasmine Lowe's mother
"That was my ring for 9 years; I just gave it to her for her birthday."

And while the suspected child predator and his girlfriend (who is a teacher) is under heavy police guard - crowds of Cayo residence gathered today outside the police station - outraged at the man who may just be responsible for little Jasmine's Lowe's murder.

Ernie Brown - Cayo Resident
"The purpose of being out here is that the community has enough, there have been too much violence, too much corruption and we are here to let the public know that enough is enough. We know there is somebody in the police station that we don't want to see in the public streets anywhere anytime soon."

Hilberto Palmer - Cayo Resident
"Residence are coming out in support, we want to see justice."

Monica Bodden
"Standing out here, what do you guys hope to accomplish or which message you guys hope to send across?"

Hilberto Palmer - Cayo Resident
"The message is for all the community to come together and lets fight crime together; let's work along with the police, let's help the police in what we can so that these things can be solved. If we know something let's say it, let's come forward and talk what we know."

The events of the day culminated in a mob gathering outside the police station this evening at four. They were chanting the suspect, Bert Vasquez's name and saying what they would like to do to him.

Multiple protests are expected to be staged tomorrow - when the suspect may be charged. In a related story, the home of Jasmine Lowe's

Channel 7

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Patrick Jones interviews two girls in San Ignacio that were separately offered BZ $30 each to take a ride by Bert Vasquez.

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Hundreds of people are demonstrating in front of the police station in San Ignacio as charges are pending against a Belize City businessman for allegedly soliciting young girls in this part of the country. - People Power in Cayo

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Magistrate Willis has given Bert Vasquez a single count of murder for the death of Jasmine Lowe.

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A situation is developing in San Ignacio Town as Bert Vasquez was physically assaulted with a missile as he was entering the court a few minutes ago. Police are attempting to apprehend Chris Lowe who apparently threw the missile, however, the Police are experiencing difficulties in doing so as residents are not allowing Mr. Lowe to be apprehended..... Police have now taken Christopher Lowe into custody. Lowe is the father of the 13 year old, Jasmine Lowe who was murdered a few weeks ago. Bert Vasquez is currently inside the police station awaiting to appear before the Magistrate. Police are now clearing the area and demanding that the residents disperse from the vicinity of the Police Station/Magistrate's Court. Reports will continue as the situation progresses.....

Bert Vasquez will be taken to the hospital to receive medical attention as it has been determined that the blow he received from the missile thrown at him has caused a head injury requiring medical attention. Superintendent Chester Williams is the Officer in Charge of the San Ignacio Police Station and is currently working at restoring peace in the area. Vasquez's appearance in the court will be deferred until he returns from the Community Hospital.


Last edited by Marty; 07/19/12 02:14 PM.
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Christopher Lowe, the father of Jasmine Lowe has been arrested for physically assaulting the man accused of killing his daughter. Lowe used a black umbrella to hit Bert Vasquez, 28, in the head, causing a half in deep gash in the right side of the suspect's head. Bloodied, and complaining of dizziness, Vasquez was quickly ushered to the safety of the magistrates court building and given medical attention by Dr. Ramirez After getting medical attention, Vasquez was given full disclosure on four of the 13 charges of sexual assault against him. When he returns to San Ignacio magistrate's court on August 8 for the commencement of trial on the sexual assault charges, Vasquez will be given the full disclosure on the remaining cases. Vasquez has indicated to the court that is attorney is Senior Counsel Simeon Sampson. More on this story will be posted shortly.

Patrick Jones

The doctor has classified Vasquez' injury as wounding. A charge of wounding is currently being prepared by San Ignacio police and Christopher Lowe will be formally arraigned this afternoon. The police have indicated that the prosecution will not object to bail, and it is anticipated that Lowe will be freed on bail this evening until his next court appearance.

Last edited by Marty; 07/19/12 09:03 PM.
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