from a friend....

On The Constitution of Belize. It must be recalled that in 1963, a Constitutional Conference was held in London, between the Secretary of States for the British Colonies, Sir Lennox Boyd, and a Belizean delegation, led by Belize's First Minister, George Cadle Price. The purpose of the conference was to negotiate an advanced Political Constitution for Belize. There was a snag, because the British Government was not too keen in creating an ENTITY called Full "Internal Self Govern- ment, nor was there a precedence for the Title of PREMIER. The British suggested to the delegation to GO FOR INDEPENDENCE. But Mr. Price replied, " We must prepare our people first". So Self Government was attained. ( I served as one of the Ministers in this Constitution, today I am the only one alive). From this day preparations began towards the attainment of Independence. Appointed to this Political Task Force were: Lindy Rogers, Harry Courtney, Said Musa , Assad Shoman and staffers from the Attorney General's Office. Bits and pieces were collected from other Commonwealth Countries' Constitutions. The House Committees were adopted from the Republican System. BUT in my opinion, our boys were a bit light to come up with a Final Draft. EXAMPLE: at the very last moment ( a few days before D-DAY of Independence) the members of the House were summoned to approve "The anableing Legislation" also known as The Transitional Powers. ( Transitional powers are those responsibilities and obligations conferred on a New Nation. Without these a nation cannot function). THERE ARE MANY provisions which later on were found wanting in this draft.

Egs. An Economic Bill of Rights is that provision which guarantees its citizens and investors protection against undue pressures from a government. - - See; The United States Constitution and its Bill of rights.