Nevil Closer to Flying Out for Heart Surgery

The news for 10-year-old Nevil Bermudez who is suffering from a heart condition is good tonight. Yvette Burks of the Gift of Life program says that the Tampa Children's Hospital has accepted Bermudez to be taken in for surgery next week Monday. However Burks says that because of the child's condition they are hoping to take him out earlier.

As for the air transport Burks says it will cost a bit more that had been anticipated because there is a need for a critical care team to accompany Bermudez. The new estimate is that the flight will cost about $29,000.

She says that after last night's newscast pledges have come in to begin to cover the cost of the flight, but they are only pledges and need to be collected. Burks adds that contributions for to the cause can be made out to the Gift of Life account at Scotia Bank account. The number is 9132885.

Nevil Bermudez will be accompanied to Tampa by his mother.