Faculty discretion may result in a detention,
suspension or expulsion for any of the following:

  • Chewing gum
  • Minor class disruption
  • Dress Code violations
  • Food violations
  • Bicycle violations
  • Bathroom and hallway violations
  • Minor tardiness
  • Failure to bring materials/books to class
  • Entering a restricted area
  • Field Trip misconduct
  • Behavior unbecoming to an Island Academy student
  • Physical violence
  • Swearing/gestures
  • Major classroom disruption
  • Vandalism
  • Safety violations
  • Disrespect to teachers/administrators
  • Abusive behavior/harassment/bullying
  • Insubordination
  • Use or possession of weapons, cigarettes,
      alcohol or controlled substances
  • Second offense of above
  • Serious violence, abuse or malicious behavior

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