Indigenous Parrots of Belize

Birds are a group of animals that have a backbone similar to mammals and Reptiles. They are warm blooded like mammals, but do not have hair on their bodies. Instead, they are clothed with feathers. All birds also lay eggs, and most incubate the eggs by using body warmth.

By one recent account, Belize supports 543 species of birds. Birds thrive in all of Belize's habitats. Wading birds congregate along the coastline and inner lagoons. The grasslands and savannas provide seeds for the many finches, and nesting trees for the giant jabiru Stork. And the tropical forests There is an astonishing diversity of bird species.

Watching birds in the tropical forests of Belize can tend to be very frustrating at times, and extremely rewarding at others. The thick vegetation of tropical forests, and the typical behavior of quick, seemingly random movements of many forest birds, make them often difficult to see. Many birds also live in the upper canopy of the forest, making it a strain to be constantly looking upward. But early morning and late afternoon are excellent times to bird watch, as most bird species are feeding or moving to new locations during these times.

The Belize Zoo has always had a strong collection of bird species, from parrots and macaws, to vultures and hawks, to wading birds, including the endangered Jabiru Stork. But besides the caged birds, the habitat around the zoo supports a variety of "free" birds thriving within the savanna habitat.

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