Every other post is about crime, or a stolen boat, or a missing dog.

If you are reading this it is probably because you love this place, or live here because it is special to you, or visit here because its awesome.

Let's bring some sunshine and positivity to this forum, and post your favorite thing about Ambergris.

Mine is the flight from belize city to san pedro, and looking down on the water and seeing the small cayes, stingrays, etc in the amazing blue water.

My wife's favorite thing is sundays at palapa bar, listening to country music with scott, jodie, and sunny, looking out over the water, throwing back a few ice cold belikins.

Can't wait to come back, will be there in either october for another 6 months, or january for 3 months.

Go ahead, post your favorite thing, it might remind all of us of other things we like too.
Now I'm craving a pulled pork sandwich with beans.
Dawn with the ever changing light over the horizon, the promise of the day being spoken by birds, the breeze, the sound of the waves on the reef.
Hammocks and pulp fiction and the time for both at once.
People who say hello and look you in the eye.
Being called Miss Lady.
Warm salty seas.
Brilliant stars in night skies.
Hummingbirds feeding a foot away from the veranda chair.
Children who aren't afraid.
Elderly people who are cared for by three generations under one roof.
The national anthem.
The zoo.
The mountains and rivers and caves.
The Mayan Temples.
Oh...... did you mean to name just ONE favorite thing? Well maybe the dawn because it opens the day to all the rest.

(and nice people who come to visit and return over and over for all the right reasons)
wow, very well put. thanks diane
Thank YOU for the upbeat attitude and good heart. And thanks too for seeing and appreciating the wonders of Belize.
The view from our balcony out to the reef - ever changing

The feel of the water as you go backwards off the boat for a dive

The first run of a bone fish

The jump of a tarpon on the line

the first mouthful of papaya at breakfast

the first magarita of the evening

and so much more!
Posted By: ron Re: Sick Of The Negativity? Read This And Reply. - 06/24/12 02:43 PM
When I get off the plane in Caye Caulker in November and everyone you see for the next couple days says welcome home.
My husband and I love the laid back pace. I like the way people will tell you their stories when you ask them about their lives and culture. I love the color of the water, and the respect everyone has for nature and the reef.
The Belizean People
Meat Pies from Celis Deli smile


Manellys coconut ice cream
To difficult to name one, but if I must:

The reef!
Going to a great night of Lobsterfest, waking up in the morning knowing that you went to Lobsterfest wearing a pair of shorts, spending 5 minutes trying to find said shorts.
The morning walk along the beach (even in the rain) with a friend
I agree Bear, the Belizeans are a beautiful People...
How bright and beautiful the fireflies (piniwaalli) are.
All of the above....
The friendly people
My gardens where everything grows
My yardman/caretaker who has a magic touch with plants and animals
The smell of the flowers at night
My garden lights
The trees that grow so beautifully and fast
The variety of birds that come to my feeder and bird bath
The almost constant hatching of baby birds
The clean fresh air
The unprocessed food
The people who drive by a wave even if they don't know me.
My quiet neighborhood and great neighbors
The opportunities that we are given every day.
My hammock chair
My fogon and the wonderful sea grape wood I cook with
The amazing Hardwoods for building
My faithful companion and protector - Pepe
Me - living here.
and --- all of you who share my love

Biking on the beach!
For us the list may be too long for a single post;

The precious innocent smiles of the beautiful children who will inherit the sunrise & sets over the warm turquoise Caribbean,�they breathe life unto all who have been fortunate enough to share a brief but indelibly implanted reminiscence of bliss found.

All this after only our second, but certainly not last visit, to a true world of wonder!
Originally Posted by SimonB
Going to a great night of Lobsterfest, waking up in the morning knowing that you went to Lobsterfest wearing a pair of shorts, spending 5 minutes trying to find said shorts.

did you check in with "her" this AM and see if said garments were left behind? shocked laugh
Gazing over the reef.
See! This is great! For every one negative thing, you can probably name ten great things about this place. Frickin love it. And I second all of the above. Keep it going!
Diving in the beautiful reef with my children and husband. Feeling the pressures of the world leave us the minute we land. Old friends and new we have yet to meet. Seeing my kids love such a beautiful place and want to come back to time and time again,
Originally Posted by cayemaster
See! This is great! For every one negative thing, you can probably name ten great things about this place. Frickin love it. And I second all of the above. Keep it going!

Well, since you are over the limit on positives, I'm here for the negatives. get a pass this time! smile
I have yet to pinpoint why I love this island...but I do.
As the sun sets; standing on the balcony, I take a deep breath and know that I am home.
You can vacation all over the world and never really meet with the locals in a way that happens on AC. Bartenders, hotel staff and waiters and waitresses become your friends. When you fly back to Goldson you become sad. AC becomes a home away from home. When you return it is like wearing your favorite shirt, the place just fits...
Everyone has pretty much covered it, I'd say.

Best thing for me that comes to mind is the smile on my friend's faces when they welcome me back to the island.
i love that when i'm sad, friends show up with a surprise party. i love that when you leave the house, you will always find a face to smile at you. I love our flaws, and i love our problems, they are part of us just like humans flaws and problems are part of them. I love that when we do have problems, the ENTIRE community comes together to take care of each other.

I love that we are a family. Sure, there some second and third "cousins" i prefer not spend any more time with than i must, but if something bad happened, i'd be the first one there...and i'd like to think they for me. I love that we fight, we forget, we make up, we love, we stray away, we move and ebb and flow with each other over time...

I love being 'part of something bigger' than me... in a big city, you are singular. Here, we are all plural... we are all Belize.

viva la belice!
I'm soooo glad and excited to be coming here! Thanx for these posts!!!
I love getting on my bike and riding through town after an afternoon hanging on the reef swimming. I love the friends i have made over the years.
CathyB glad to hear you are coming out to visit........However, we have barely scratched the surface of all the things that make this area unique and great; each time I read this thread I remember something else and then another new thing presents itself......Today's new thing was the look on my Chihuahua's face when an Iguana in the yard beat her to a piece of watermelon I set down.......Maybe you might find even more to add to this thread.
NO Stress, just relax
love all the posts. i especially like the one about feeling at home on ac. i had that the first day i set foot on the island.
The ospreys flying past and the humming birds, when you can spot them!
My favourite is diving with White Sands ... As soon as I descend the beauty of the life below surrounds me. I am always in awe of the coral, fish, turtles and movement of the ocean around me. Such beauty.. We will be back in November... save us a spot on the boat for us Elbert... Don & Karen Wilson!
Morning coffee at Estel's.
Morning Bloody Mary's at Estel's...
The honest and trusting nature of the citizens. 3 quick examples, spread over a dozen years:
1) paid a $1000 guide bill with a US check.(OK, that was a long time ago)
2) had a $400 dinner bill, only to find out no credit cards accepted. That actually happened twice, and both times was told just to come back tomorrow. In neither case were we "regulars"
3) came in on Tropic, and was anxious to grab a cigarette. In between the getting my checked luggage, and a taxi, I left my carry-on sitting on the curb. Didn't realize it 'til we got to the hotel. Went back to Tropic, and asked. Guy says he saw it sitting there so he locked it up.
Getting a banana smoothie at Dixie's and walking the beach.....
I also want to add about Breakfast at Estel's. Love it, and the music playing there every morning. Love walking down the beach after coffee, and the interesting people I met there each morning. I also like the little stall across from the San Pedroan market...The lady and her daughter are so friendly, and the sesame and coconut candy she makes is delish!!
Tough to pick 1 best thing. Between the great friends we've made in the last 7 years, awesome food, fun fishing and diving... I have to say diving with the eagle rays. I never get tired of watching them. On my last dive of the week on Friday, I was at the end of the trail of divers. Im always first in, last out. An eagle ray went right by me. No one else saw it. I'm sure it was waving good bye to me and saying "see you next time". Then again I might have been a little narked.
Nothing compares to watching the sun rise over the reef!!!!!!
I can watch Frigates soar above the shoreline for hours. SO majestic.

But early morning coffee watching the sunrise over the reef is a VERY special thing.\

The reef makes everything possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just got here a few hours ago and so far... the views from our room, hanging out with Mara at Cocotal and right this second... the rain. WOW!
Isnt it awesome. How humbling when you see the power of mother nature. It is lovely!
I love to watch the Brown Pelican's fly in formation just above sea level
We have had two sets of friends visiting Belize for first time in the last 3 weeks and staying part of their time with us - we love the reaction of wonder and enjoyment that all these friends have had here! They represent another 9 converts to the wonders of Belize! Next group arrive in less than a week.
I'm with Nick....It's great to relive our first time to Belize through the eyes of others as they experience life here for the first time.....Nearly 10 years watching others and I enjoy hearing them say the same things each time....From the Quaint Fishing Village to our Golf Cart Transportation.....Absolutely the wonder and enjoyment.....
The hummingbirds are everywhere at the moment, now more butterflies - and those darned woodpeckers keep hammering away on the metal struts of the power lines! My little boy has gone to Hol Chan today in the glass bottom boat. Gonna meet a whole passel of new neighbours tonight. Island living at its best...
Freedom--in so many flavors--and being in the moment in, on, & near the sea

On Monday I snorkeled Mexico Rocks and Tres Cocos - BONITA!
The reef looks very healthy and there were lots of fish - not big ones - but lots! At the end on the second dive I just hung in the water with a friend and chatted as we drifted down to the boat. The water was the most amazing color - CLEAR AQUA MARINE, I can close my eyes and still see it.
Given the over 50 very positive and happy responses and the 3660+ viewing, shouldn't we be changing the name of this item to ' Revel in the Positives'!

Any objections?

Can that be done Marty?
mmmm. sorta. could change the first one and the last one but not the ones in the middle...
One of my first experiences there hooked me. My husband and I were there for a couple of week vacation. We always come during low season to avoid the tourists smile, smile, wink, wink ; ). It was raining and we were walking back from the store when a lady that I had talked to briefly earlier in the day, pulled over and gave us a ride. She said her name was Barbie. I forget a lot of stuff in my old age, but I will probably remember her for a long time. I can't wait to retire there in a few years and look her up so I can buy her lunch.
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