I want to place an Amazon order to be delivered here. What company is the best to use?

There is a company in San Pedro, Mike at Amazon Belize (amazonbelize1@gmail.com), who will give you a quote inclusive of shipping and tariff, and then bring your order to your door.

We ordered a specialty part through them, and the service was great.

We have found that with tariff and shipping, there are many items which are nearly as expensive by the time you get them here.

The government customs import taxes (stamp duties) can sometimes exceed the actual cost of the item- basic rule of thumb is to expect to pay around double for some items.So if you buy a $10 item expect it to cost you $20 at the end of the day to get it into your hands- including shipping and duties.

The highest duty amount on any particular item should be 20%, plus GST 12%, plus environmental tax at 2%, and your brokerage fee. Total should be about 35% of your purchase price.

You can also use Belizean Queen. Cost is according to size of package instead of weight or contents. They are a little slower getting here but worth it. They ship out if Houston, Dallas, Miami and LA. https://belizeanqueenfreight.com/

Also you can use “U.S. Belize Trade.” Shipping via US Belize Trade has been fast and simple. Find them on Facebook, ship to : (your name) C/O UBT. They message you when it is sent to the island. Simple.

Belize Concierge is another option, as well as Belize Freight at Belizefreight.com.

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