OCTOBER 1998   San Pedro High School   Volume 2

October 1998 San Pedro High School Volume 2


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Mitch terrifies faculty and students

by: Mr. Apolinar Tzul

A grateful San Pedro High last Monday, November 2, quietly returned to school, minutes after eight, unscathed by the powerful winds of Hurricane Mitch which, since Sunday, October 25, began to move along the westerly Caribbean Sea into Belize.

Mitch had been expected to hit Belize perhaps on Wednesday, October 28, but by Monday, the people were being advised to evacuate the island and other coastal areas of the country.

Early Monday, October 26, it was all clear that classes at San Pedro High would be suspended until catastrophic Mitch had moved away and the all-clear sign was out.

Teachers and students alike towed the long lines at the air terminal and piers amidst threats of strong winds, to leave the island and shelter the storm on safer grounds either with relatives or friends

in the districts. What remains of Mitch is the havoc it wreaked on the high school‰s football field, coconut trees, piers and the beach and almost 50% of the school population not reporting for classes on Monday, November 2.

During the week of November 2 - 6, the high school offered to help in the restoration of the beaches by picking up debris at sites that were assigned by the Town Board. A number of students who had travelled as far as Melchor and Punta Gorda to shelter the storm, meanwhile, stayed stranded but reported for classes this past Monday, November 9.

A special Service was held at the San Pedro R.C. Church on Sunday, November 8. The service in thanksgiving was attended by some students as well as members of the San Pedro High School faculty,

namely Mr. Angel Nuñez, Mr. Luis Frutos, Mr. Apolinar Tzul and Miss Conchita Valdez.



The Student Council elected only a month ago releases plan for the academic year which is approved by the Principal.


Mid-term reports were issued early in the month. In this issue, an update and tentative dates for final examination.


Also, in this issue, sports, , interviews, Monthly Horoscope, and Twenty Five Years Ago at San Pedro High.


In an exclusive interview with a student from Caye Caulker, Esra Al-Dabbagh tells us about life at San Pedro High as experienced by a student commuter.



by: Mr. Luis Frutos

From among traditions, myths and legends comes the word "Halloween". To many Belizeans who have adopted the American culture, Halloween means kids going out in costumes for a "trick or treat" and returning home with bags of candies. In Belize, in general, a blend of two cultures are celebrated: Halloween and Los Finados or Day of the Dead. This mixture is celebrated on the 31st of October.

The Day of the Dead is celebrated differently in different countries. In many Latin American countries, particularly Mexico, there is a funny side to the Dia de los Muertos. Mexican poke fun at Death. Most leading newspapers carry humurous poems about an important personality and his being carried off by Death:

Lástima de Don Manuel Que se piensa muy persona Más no sabe que desnudo Lo llevará la Pelona.

Special "pan de muerto" and candies in the form of skulls and skeletons can be bought at the markets and street corners. But there is a religious (called it pagan if you wish) part to the festivities. Many Mexican families will create an altar at home and offer food and drink to their dearly departed. The belief is that on the 31st of October the dead return to visit their loved ones and supposedly are hungry. In the Mexican cities the cemeteries are lit with thousands of candles or veladoras. The faithful keep vigil and pray at the tomb. Food is also taken and placed on the tomb of a departed loved one.

In Belize, especially among the Mestizo, food is placed on the table for the difunto, but no elaborate ritual is carried out at the cemetery. On the altar table in the home, Mestizos and Mayas will include ixpasha, pumpkin sweet manjar blanca, cigarettes, rum, tamales, bollos and other niceties that the departed enjoyed in life.

Where Halloween is concerned, the Belizean child retrieves the flesh from a grape fruit and carves a skull from the outer rim. She then, places a lit candle in the center, and goes into the street at night shouting:

Ixpasha, pá mi calavera Bollos pá mi barriga El que no me da, Tiene el diablo en la barriga.

She is recompensed with sweets, bollos, tamales, ixpasha and oranges.

It appears that most, if not all, cultures celebrate the Day of the Dead. We can be certain that as long as there is a Halloween, on one day of the year when we are gone, our friends and relatives will remember us.


By: Daryani Perez & Adriana Vasquez

On Tuesday, October 13, mid term reports were issued. Each student received a report based on how they had done in each subject for a period of six weeks. Due to poor averages, teachers from various subjects are now providing evening classes to help students improve. Students who need help can seek some from their respective teachers. Mr Frutos is giving classes in Mathematics, Mr. Tzul on English Grammar and Literature, Miss Noble on Mathematics and Mrs. Sedasey on English Language. By paying more attention in class, spending more time studying and by making good use of the evening classes, students can improve in their grades. Teachers are hoping to change their method of teaching in the classroom to increase efficiency on the part of students.

Editor‰s Note: The above report was accompanied by a chart representing the number of failures in each subject. Due to space reasons, we were not able to print it. We will keep it filed, however, for future references.



BY: Mr. Angel Nuñez

During our third year as a high school, in 1974, we applied to the government for a volunteer teacher. This had two main advantages for us. First, it ensured us with a qualified teacher, and secondly, it saved us money as we did not have to pay that salary - the US government did.

At the time, Belize was receiving about 40 Peace Corps Volunteers every year. These were all American citizens who served underdeveloped countries like Belize for a 2 year program. Peace Corps volunteers came with qualifications in teaching, agriculture, health, the arts, etc. and were deployed all over Belize.

Our first Peace Corps teacher was Jerry Doetzer, who taught science, biology and chemistry. Past students remember him fondly as a workaholic. During his stay with us he taught well, coached basketball, tutored drams, drilled the choir, staged Christmas plays, constructed a science laboratory, chaperoned the graduates, arranged the church for graduation and even cooked for the prom, danced carnivals, sold books, wrote school rules, repaired typewriters, fixed broken doors, organized fairs and took time to dance with his students at any school function.

Thereafter, we had some 12 to 15 more volunteers, none like Jerry, of course. He was too much. It is difficult to ask any one teacher to be all of that, but he did serve as an example of a teacher who did much and enjoyed what he did. He had professional pride.

When his 2 years were over, he never told us the exact date of his departure. He did not want a farewell. Then one day he suddenly disappeared without giving us his address. Anyway, "Thanks Jerry." We love you and remember you for what you are worth. Many other volunteers we have forgotten, but you are truly outstanding.

Letters to the Editor

October 14, 1998

To: Mr. Apolinar & Miss Conchita

I wish to congratulate you both and all the members of the staff of Anchor in the News. The format is improved, the printing is clear, the articles are interesting.

Always keep in focus the objective of your (our) paper - to seek improvements of our school, to uplift the self esteem of the students, to motivate our teachers for greater accomplishments, to keep our parents of students informed, enlightened and interested. Of course the paper should always be fun to read because students will find their names in some article or the other. Humor is always welcome.

Once again, congratulations and keep up the good work.


  1. Angel Nuñez


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October 14, 1998

Dear Mr. Angel Nuñez

Plans for Academic Year 98/99

Be it resolved that the new Student Council of San Pedro High, having conferred with the Moderator, Executive Body and class representatives at a special meeting held on Friday, 2nd October, intends to fulfill the following programs for San Pedro High in an effort to uplift the quality of academic and social life for the faculty, staff and student body.

  1. Installation of telephones to serve the student body.
  2. Acquisition of a cafeteria booth - to be negotiated with Bowen & Bowen.
  3. Installation of basketball backboards - to be negotiated with Coca-Cola and Bowen.
  4. Building of two (2) cabañas at convenient location on school compound to assist in study hall.
  5. Promotion of Guest talks by distinguished or well-trained members of the community to enlighten the student body or relevant issues and topics.
  6. Creation of Exchange Programs with Student Associations of other academic institutions

The above listed projects are subject to the Principal‰s approval and will be implemented on a month to month basis.


Executive Council, SPHS Student Council

* ! <

Dear Editor

The school year has just begun but four students have already been suspended for drinking offenses.

These students were seen on campus working for a few days, then they were re-admitted for classes.

Is this about the only rod of correction that the school can use or is it that we are too lax on students who seem to be repeating this type of behavior over and over?

Do teachers plan or organize well their class trips or are their objectives mainly for fun rather than to help the students learn from such exposures? Whatever the case, I am imploring that a more rigid punishment be applied and , yes, perhaps the monthly retreats started last year can also help the students to restore their pride and decency.

San Pedro High deserves better. However, we a cannot continue to use the "straw on the camel‰s back" to correct a grievous offense.

A very worried student

Ed.‰s Note: This dilemma will be referred to the Principal who, I‰m sure, will give attention to the matter.

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Monthly Horoscope


(Dec 22-Jan 20)

This month you will have a lot of extra energy. Take advantage of it; start a regular exercise program.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 1, 4 & 8

Day: Saturday

Colour: Black

Gem: Blue Sapphire


(Jan 21-Feb 18)

A new love will cross your path. Be cautious, he/she could end up breaking your heart. Don‰t make any hasty judgments.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 4 & 8

Day: Sunday

Colour: Blue

Gem: Opal


(Feb 19-Mar 20)

Take time out of your schedule to get caught up in those killer classes. It will give you time when you really need it, and it could improve your grades.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 3

Day: Thursday

Colour: Yellow

Gem: Sapphire


(Mar 21-Apr 19)

Be money smart this month; you never know when a bargain will fly by your eye. Don‰t let the opportunity to make a great purchase pass you up.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 9

Day: Tuesday, Monday

Colour: Blue

Gem: Turquoise


(Apr 20-May 20)

An old friend will appear again in your life. Forgive mistakes made in the past and start to bandage up those old wounds.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 6

Day: Tuesday

Colour: Scarlet

Gem: Diamond


(May 21-Jun 21)

You will be in high spirits this month, so don‰t let anything bring you down. Walk away from negative atmospheres.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 5

Day: Wednesday

Colour: Orange

Gem: Topaz


(Jun 22-Jul 22)

Respect other people‰s property and privacy. This month "the golden rule" should be your motto.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 2 & 7

Day: Monday

Colour: White & Pale Green

Gem: Pearl


(Jul 23-Aug 22)

There may be a backstabber in your circle of friends. Watch what you say, your deepest and darkest secrets could end up being tomorrow‰s headlines.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 1 & 4

Day: Sunday

Colour: Orange & Gold

Gem: Sardonyx, Ruby


(Aug 23-Sep 22)

There may be some problems at home. Try to think things over and make rational decisions; it could effect your future.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 5

Day: Wednesday

Colour: Yellow, Gray

Gem: Topaz


(Sep 23-Oct 23)

A problem will arise between you and that special someone. Take time to work things out and not jump to irrational conclusions.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 6

Day: Friday

Colour: Light shades

Gem: Sapphire


(Oct 24-Nov 22)

Keep an optimistic outlook on life. Although things aren‰t going as well as you would like, this could change and shock you.

Lucky Numbers: Series of 9

Day: Tuesday

Colour: Scarlet

Gem: Bloodstone


(Nov 23-Dec 21)

Don‰t let jealousy get the better of you. Helping people out this month will help you feel better about yourself and others. It is also contagious!

Lucky Numbers: Series of 3

Day: Thursday

Colour: Purple, Pink

Gem: Topaz

Dr. Love

Dear Doctor:

There is a particular teacher who has been making my life miserable. The teacher tends to practice favoritism and gives high grades to certain people and miserable grades to others.

What do you recommend?

Dear Miserable

I recommend you study and work hard. What you have learned will never be taken away from you. If you are wise, you will try to get wiser and not waste time looking at what others get since that does not make you a better person. Furthermore, I bet you that if you strike a high grade, no teacher will be able to give you a low mark. I‰ve checked the teachers at S.P.H. they are good staff. Be more wise and less miserable.

The Doctor

Dear Doctor

There is a particular teacher whom I can‰t stand. This teacher treats the class very badly. He/she is not understanding and is inconsiderate since she/he gives us lots of work. Please help me. What can we do?

Confused but Not Hopeless

Dear Confused,

The minute you speak about "he/she", I know this is not a real case, or you would have a male or female teacher specifically.

Hey, try to change this teacher, if it is true. Treat him kindly, with love and respect and he/she will certainly do the same. Remember that teachers who are strict and give home works are the ones that truly care and you will love them long after you leave school - whether you graduate or are kicked out.

The Doctor.

Dear Doctor:

I have a friend that enjoys to tease me with a boy, but I don‰t like that boy. What shall I do to my friend?


Dear Concerned

Love is very close to hate. Do you find that this boy stones you with chalk or pulls your hair? Aha! He likes you. And if you smile, you like him too.

As for the friend who teases you, she likes the same boy. Be careful with that girl. If I see you break with that girl, that means you like the boy. I know who you are. I took a course in interpreting "handwritings."

The Doctor

Dear Doctor

I am in love with this guy but apparently he seems to hate me. I love him so much. What can I do so that this guy can love me back?

In love

Dear In Love,

Change your bad ways. Change your personality. Use some deodorant and perfume. Be nice. Be a fine little girl. If all of that does change him, then send him to hell and you have won because you have become a better person.

In the meantime, study hard and do not pay too much attention to boys. You are at an age when you should date many boys and appreciate them all. You are not ready for 1 boy seriously until you have obtained your university degree.

The Doctor

Dear Doctor

I have a major problem. I hang out with a group of girls. All of them act pretty cool but there is one girl in our group that acts like a totally clueless baby. I think she needs to grow up and the other girls agree with me. We don‰t want to hurt her feelings but we can‰t take her anymore. What shall I do doc?


Dear Puzzled

Whenever a group of young girls go out in gangs, they act "cool" but to the rest of society they are a bunch of "no good girls". I have a feeling that the best girl in this group is the same you call a clueless baby.

When you go out with your mom, you act differently, don‰t you? When with your gang you pretend to be cool. The doctor recommends you hang out with mom more often.

The Doctor


Have you heard of the youngster who, when asked to draw his impression of the Garden of Eden, drew a chauffeur-driven car with two passengers in the back. When asked to explain the picture he said he was most impressed with the idea of God driving Adam and Eve out of the Garden.

A horrified father, watching his daughter select a costly wedding dress, said to his wife: "I don‰t mind giving her in marriage but must she be gift wrapped?"


A Minister was asked to inform a man with a heart condition that he had just inherited a million dollars. Everyone was afraid the shock would cause a heart attack and the man would die. The minister went to the man‰s house and said, "Joe, what would you do if you inherited a million dollars?" Joe replied, "Well, pastor, I think I would give half of it to the church." And the minister fell over dead!L


A surgeon, an architect and a politician were discussing which was the oldest profession. The surgeon said that his was because Eve was made from a bone taken from the side of Adam. The architect said: "Maybe, but before that, order was created out of chaos and that was an architectural job." The politician spoke last, and said, "Wait! Who do you think created the chaos in the first place?"


**Free Ride**

Attention teen-agers! If you think you have it bad at home with parents, here is something to think about. You have: Free food, free telephone, free electricity, free laundry, free water, free sewage, free TV, free money, free snacks, pop etc., free shampoo, soap and other personal items. And to pay for all of this free stuff, all you are expected to do is something that is distasteful to some young people: Love and respect your parents and the home that they have worked hard to provide. If you don‰t think it‰s a fair bargain, you could pay for all of those items on the list that are free to you. It would cost you about $500 a month. The next time you ignore your dad when he tries to tell you something or respond to your mother in a disrespectful way, just remember how bad you have it at home and how easy you would have it if you just moved out.


Work faithfully eight hours a day, don‰t worry. Then, in time, you‰ll become the boss and work twelve hours a day and do all the worrying.



Two children were discussing their pocket money. "If you give me a cent," said Johnny, "I shall have twice as mush as you."_____ "That would not be a fair division," said Tommy. "You had better give me a cent, and then we shall be just alike." How much money had each?

First Term Final Examination

by: Mrs. Nathalie Sedasey

First term examinations for all forms will begin on December 14, 1998. This examination period will continue until the 16th, 1998. We are advising all students to take these days as an extremely valuable opportunity to review and study for any up-coming examinations. Until this final week arrives, we are reminding all students to ensure that all daily work is handed in on time. While at home, review and study notes constantly. Read ahead. Make extra notes for yourself. Highlight main points. Define unfamiliar words. Draw webs and maps. Make visuals. Always review difficult and new material. Take ownership of your work. The rewards will be greater success and more disciplined study habits.

After first term examinations are over, the second term will begin on January 11, 1999. We will begin our Christmas break on December 18th, 1998. Until the, keep reviewing and revising your daily work, notes and tests. The hard work and dedication will lead to a greater good.


BY: Esra Al-Dabbagh

Q: Do you find the boat ride enjoyable?

A: Yes

Q: How do you like San Pedro High School so far?

A: I like it, because of the educated teachers, and its friendly students.

Q: Who is your favorite teacher?

A: She is Mrs. Sedasey, our homeroom teacher.

Q: Who are your best friends here?

A: Esra, Adriana, Melody and Cruz

Q: Do you have good arrangement for your lunch?

A: Yes

Q: What do you think of the Principal, Mr. Nuñez?

A: He is the best.

Q: Are you involved in any extra curricular activities?

A: I‰ve joined the environmental Club.

Q: How much time do you spend night studying?

A: 3 to 5 hours.

Q: Any comments? Last remarks.

A: I would like to ask the boys to grow up and to the girls to change their attitudes.


By: Mr. Emil Vasquez


In the invitational tournament held on September 27th, San Pedro High fielded three 5-A-Side teams. Even though the three teams did well, it is in the junior division that SPH captured the championship trophy. Congratulations to all the participating athletes!


SPH finally joined the national secondary competition. On October 9th and 10th SPH sent a delegation of 20 students athletes to participate in the Western Regional Volleyball finals. The venue for the games was in Benque Viejo del Carmen.

Despite a gallant effort against the Belmopan Comprehensive School, both the male and female teams lost by almost identical scores.

The girls lost the first set by a score of 15-6 and the second set by 15-12.

The boys lost the first set by a score of 15-9 and the second set by 15-13.

Overall, most students athletes felt that the trip was fun and exciting. They all agreed that with more preparation, SPH will be able to compete successfully against any schools in the country.

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The Basketball Regionals Finals in the West will be held in Belmopan on December 5th, 1998. In preparation for this tournament, both male and female teams have been selected and they are practicing in order to represent SPH in the tournament.

The coaches of all these teams want to thank all the students participating and also remind them that it is an honor to represent SPH.

OCTOBER 1998   San Pedro High School   Volume 2

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