Poe at Work

M/SGT (ret) J. C. Poe says: This was my home and business office during the winter of 1951-52. It was located behind the 2nd Platoon's place in the middle of Co A's position along the Imjin river.

I am the gunner and am bending over the sight and leveling the bubbles. The man with the shovel is my assistant gunner and the squad leader is checking on my finished product. I can not recall my gunner's name, but the squad leader may have been Sgt Lavelle.

The stakes represent pre-fired concentrations (targets) used in support of the three rifle platoons. My gun was on call, day or night, when Charley got brave enough to approach the river all along our front - from the left, where the river ran thru the line between Able Company and Baker Company, to the right where Able joined the 65th Inf Rgt at the bend of the river to the north.

The capped stake in the center was for Nori. It was used whenever one of the rifle platoons was retaking Nori, usually was the first thing in the morning before breakfast, or whenever it was necessary for an under fire withdrawal from Nori.

The X near the man in the the upper left background makes the spot where a tank (ours) rolled over and burned one of its crew to death. At the very top and middle of the photo, hidden by the bushes, is the entrance to the Company A warm-up bunker - happily used by all, from time to time, to change socks and take a break from the chilling cold.

This is one of our gunner speed practices that was held in warmer weather. You will notice the time keepers, including the one timing me at my mortar, which is in the far one in the photo.

I am proud of having earned my position as a gunner by being the fastest mortar gunner in Able Company. I doubt not that I was the fastest in the regiment!!! CAN DO and DID DO. J.C. Poe.

MK add-on: First, I'll apologize for having called Poe and his ilk "rear echelon". Then, I'll thank him for his kindly aid on the mornings the 2nd Platoon was named to go up Nori to find out if any Chinese had stayed there overnight to say good morning. MK.

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Baptism of Fire     Uniformed Poe - Twice
"Can Do" Photo Index

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