"Pat" Plus on Hill 355

MK note: Not trusting any part of his 1951-1952 photo album to the vagaries of the U. S. Mail, R. C. "Pat" O'Connor (#21) was kind enough to mail me photo-stats of six original photos taken on Hill 355 in early 1952. I have scanned, resized, and edited those copies - and I have posted the results below. The photos were all taken during the time that Pat was the Platoon Leader of the Weapons Platoon, Company G, 15th Infantry Regiment, Third Infantry Division.

Thanks, Pat, for sharing the photos with us.

Descriptions of the photos, also posted below, are Pat's and are unedited. Maybe Pat, or some other Hill 355 guys who are now in our Bunker, will have an "add-on" or other comment for this page. MK.



Photo on right:
Lieutenant R. C. "Pat" O'Connor, Weapons Platoon Leader, on Hill 355, January 1952.


Photo on left: Lieutenant R. C. "Pat" O'Connor, Weapons Platoon Leader, standing next to a Weapons Platoon vehicle at the base of Hill 355, February 1952.

Photo on right above: From left to right -
Lieutenant James; Lieutenant R. C. "Pat" O'Connor, Weapons Platoon Leader; Captain Warren G. Reed, Company Commander, at the base of Hill 355, about February 1952. The first name of Lt James has faded away.

Photo on left above: From left to right -
Lieutenant R. C. "Pat" O'Connor, Weapons Platoon Leader, and Captain Warren G. Reed. Company Commander, standing in front of the Hill 355 Command Post bunker, February 1952.


Photo on right above: First Sergeant Lyle B. Penfold standing in the entrance to the same Command Post, January 1952.

Photo on left above: Lieutenant Roger Peterson, Platoon Leader, Third Platoon, on Hill 355, February 1952.

3rd Division Page        IBB Map and Photo Index
IBB Page Three
"Can Do" Photo Index

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