Reg and His Mates

MK note: All comments below about the first three photos on this page are the first person words, only slightly edited, of Owen Reginald ("Reg") Kitchener (#41). I must confess that his words about the last photo are mostly made up by me as I tried to guess his real thoughts as he sent it to me. MK.

Merv, you asked me if I wanted to contribute any pictures to the IBB, so here are three of them.

The first one (to the left) was taken when I went on R and R to Tokyo, Japan in 1951.

The other two (below) were taken in June of 1951 while my Mortar Troop was positioned to support infantry penetration patrols with covering fire as they returned back across the Imjin River. We were located a few miles in front of the forward defense lines (or, of what you Yanks would call the Main Line of Resistance).

I think you'll be able to tell which one of the lads is me. Reg.

Merv, you mentioned that you took your basic training (without jumps, you lucky bastard) in the 101st Airborne Division. So, I'm sending you one more picture: me in my 101st tee shirt to prove that I approve of the 101st doings - at times when you were not in it, of course. Reg.

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Reg Remembers    Reg and His Mates at Work
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