Grover's Page

For his page, I'll just re-post a memorial to him I had posted in the
Korean War Project. It is linked to on the 3rd Division Page.

United States Army - 15 INF RGT 3 INF DIV
KIA 31 Jul 1952

Submission 3156 By (David) Mervin Key

Sure I remember Grover: how we shared the same bunker and alternated guard duty, 2 on and 2 off on many a bitterly cold night; how he cheered up our whole squad with his cheerful demeanor and, especially his rendition of, "I had a date the other night with ole Miss Lucy Brown. We went to all the Honky-Tonks, we really got around. I didn't know her pop was a city cop and she was just sixteen. Good morning Mr. Judge ..."; how, a few days before he died, at the base of outpost "Kelly" he seemed to grow withdrawn and uncommunicative; and, most of all, how the mortar that killed him and (Gerald) Dudley Snyder, my best foxhole buddy, sounded. Knowing Grover added pleasure to many unpleasant circumstances.

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