Deal the Cards

MK comments (25 July 2004): There will be more told later on this page, but for now ............

John Hathorn (the middle person in the first photo you see below) was my favorite partner, and I was his, from the fall of 1948, when John (plus a few other guys who never reached John's bridge playing ability) taught me how to play bridge, until the US Army joined me in the spring of 1951.

I was highly impressed by John's tales of his doings as a US Marine and so we quickly became the best of friends and played together in our first duplicate game (at Bess Harrington's bridge club in the Lamar Hotel - where I also would meet John Gerber and several  other bridge luminaries.

By the time I finished my Army duties in late December 1953, John was a very good player and was often partnered with great players like Sidney Lazard.










  Carter     Key   Stucker    Sutton             Dick Sutton



Bob Stucker is in the photo above left and here
on the bottom with Marc (left) and Donnie (right) Freedman on his shoulders.

Betty says that these two were taken in 1954 or 1955 when Marc was about ten years old and when Donnie was then about eight years old.


Betty Freedman - Judy & Ken Parker    Tim Willis - Milton Freedman









The Freedmans, the Parkers, and the Keys (Julie and I in those days) were all good friends of each other, and Big Julie and I used to have rubber bridge sessions with both the Freedmans and the Parkers.


          Here is Betty Freedman with ......
Kay Smolensky     Betty Nail               Bill Cash








Comments to come ..........











Big Julie thinks this photo was taken in 1955.






















 Celeste and Jerome Levy    Milton Freedman - George Jessel










The photos below are of some of the "regular" players at the new Bridge Studio of Houston in the early 1960s. They were all taken by Bob Stucker and sent to me by Julie Harding who, at the time of the photos, was named Julie Key.

The Bridge Studio of Houston had originally been located in a house on Graustark Street and operated by me and Dick Sutton. The new Bridge Studio of Houston moved to its own building (planned by me) which was finished and opened for business (not too long before the arrival of Hurricane Carla in 1961) at 2425 Norfolk (now the site of the Mucky Duck night club). In its early days on Norfolk, it was operated by me, Julie, and Bobby and Betty Nail.

Here are those photos:

  Nancy Hilton                      Ardeen Smith

    Betty Hugo               Walter Lowenstern

         "Boots" Richardson            ? and Mickey Finn ?       

                 ?                                    ?                                      ?  

By the rude bridge.    Big Julie at Work, Belize
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