A Performance Nearly Repeated

 MK intro (04 Mar 2003): I think I have a more apt title than does Mike for this article which appeared in the March 1971 issue of The Bridge World; but who am I to argue with Mike? He not only writes well, he also has a fine sense of discretion in picking those about whom he will write. MK.

MK insert: By the time you get to tne end of the article, I will have prepared my rebuttal for Mike's assertion that I "didn't guess it" (the ending) in the last hand he just gave you.  MK.

MK comments:

Please know that the second hand Mike gave you (playing which I "didn't guess" the ending situation) occurred in 1961, about ten years before the I got a chance to do something right against Howard Schenken.

In my defense I wish to say that Howard, when he played the heart ace in following to the spade nine, gave a sigh of resignation and pitched it to the table in a big arc - as if to say, "Well, I hope this gets me out of it."

So, with my youthful (about 30) lack of backbone enough to risk the down three and the ensuing giggles if Leventritt held the heart king, I cashed out - or, maybe, the awful truth is that I had one of my now frequent "senior moments" as a young man. I am glad I don't remember the real truth of the matter.

But, the late good news is that G. R. ("Bobby") Nail and I went on to place second in those trials and became a part of the six man team that represented North America in the 1962 World Championship. The page I call A Victory Ball for the Good Losers tells part of that tale.  MK.

By the rude bridge   A Victory Ball for the Good Losers  

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