Species Frequency Reports, Diving in Belize

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Species Report For:

Turneffe Islands

                                                      ------SURVEYS------    BOTTOM
                                                         EXPERT    NOVICE     TIME
CODE     SITE                                           SA   SO   SA   SO     (H:M)
5503     Turneffe Islands                                0    0    0    1      0:00
55030001 Tobacco Reef                                    5    0   19    0     24:29
55030002 Elbow Reef                                      2    0   11    0     10:48
55030003 Sayonara                                        6    0   21    0     27:47
55030004 Caye Bokel                                      2    0   15    1     17:04
55030005 Grand Boque                                     1    0   16    0     15:59
55030006 Mauger Caye                                     1    0   11    0     12:41
55030007 NW Crawl Caye                                   3    0   10    0     13:04
55030008 Vincente Bight                                  5    0   13    0     19:34
55030009 Drowned Cayes/Gallows Point                     1    0   10    0     12:16
55030010 Hole in the Wall                                0    0    1    0      1:04
55030011 Rendevous Point                                 0    0    2    0      2:17
55030012 Tunnels and Barrels                             0    0    1    0      1:05
55030013 Dead Mans Point                                 2    0    9    0     12:58
55030014 Amberhead                                       0    0    1    0      0:37
         TOTALS                                         28    0  140    2    171:43

        NOTE: SA = Species & Abundance surveys / SO = Species Only surveys
              Click HERE for information on interpreting this report

                                             TOTAL     EXP      NOV
RANK SP# COMMON NAME                        SF% DEN  SF% DEN  SF% DEN
   1  31 Foureye Butterflyfish              93% 2.5  93% 2.1  94% 2.6
   2 204 Blue Tang                          90% 2.9  89% 2.9  91% 2.9
   3  42 Blue Chromis                       90% 3.5  89% 3.6  90% 3.5
   4  48 Bicolor Damselfish                 89% 3.3  89% 3.4  89% 3.3
   5 213 Bluehead                           88% 3.1  86% 3.1  88% 3.1
   6 197 Yellowtail Snapper                 88% 3.0  86% 3.1  88% 3.0
   7 201 Longspine Squirrelfish             87% 2.2 100% 2.2  84% 2.2
   8 155 Stoplight Parrotfish               87% 2.8  93% 2.7  86% 2.8
   9   6 Rock Beauty                        87% 2.2  89% 1.9  86% 2.2
  10  10 Fairy Basslet                      85% 3.3  89% 3.3  84% 3.3
  11   4 Gray Angelfish                     81% 1.8  86% 1.5  80% 1.9
  12 108 French Grunt                       79% 2.3  89% 2.2  76% 2.4
  13 220 Yellowhead Wrasse                  77% 3.0  89% 2.8  75% 3.1
  14  30 Banded Butterflyfish               77% 2.0  79% 1.9  77% 2.0
  15  53 Threespot Damselfish               74% 2.8  89% 2.9  71% 2.7
  16 105 Bluestriped Grunt                  71% 2.1  82% 1.9  69% 2.1
  17 181 Harlequin Bass                     70% 2.1  86% 2.1  67% 2.1
  18  34 Spotfin Butterflyfish              70% 1.9  86% 1.8  67% 2.0
  19 206 Ocean Surgeonfish                  70% 2.4  86% 2.4  66% 2.5
  20 196 Schoolmaster                       68% 2.6  82% 2.1  65% 2.7
  21 215 Creole Wrasse                      67% 3.3  82% 3.6  64% 3.2
  22 133 Bar Jack                           66% 2.4  82% 2.3  63% 2.5
  23   5 Queen Angelfish                    66% 1.8  71% 1.6  65% 1.8
  24 167 Sharpnose Puffer                   65% 2.0  86% 2.0  61% 2.0
  25 131 Spanish Hogfish                    62% 1.8  82% 1.7  58% 1.8
  26  95 Graysby                            61% 2.0  86% 2.0  56% 2.1
  27 130 Hogfish                            60% 1.6  75% 1.4  56% 1.6
  28 152 Redband Parrotfish                 59% 2.4  89% 2.6  53% 2.4
  29  76 Spotted Goatfish                   59% 1.8  86% 1.5  54% 1.9
  30 123 Indigo Hamlet                      58% 1.9  54% 1.7  59% 2.0
  31 239 Trumpetfish                        57% 1.9  68% 1.8  54% 1.9
  32 228 Yellowhead Jawfish                 56% 2.6  82% 2.7  51% 2.6
  33 119 Black Hamlet                       54% 2.2  82% 2.2  49% 2.1
  34  84 Neon Goby                          53% 2.1  68% 2.0  50% 2.2
  35 160 Saucereye Porgy                    53% 1.7  64% 1.5  51% 1.7
  36 156 Striped Parrotfish                 51% 2.8  89% 2.6  43% 2.8
  37 117 White Grunt                        51% 2.0  86% 2.0  44% 2.0
  38   7 Great Barracuda                    51% 1.5  57% 1.6  49% 1.5
  39  43 Brown Chromis                      51% 2.8  54% 2.4  51% 2.9
  40 185 Tobaccofish                        50% 1.8  68% 1.8  46% 1.8
  41 111 Porkfish                           50% 1.6  61% 1.6  48% 1.6
  42  77 Yellow Goatfish                    49% 2.2  68% 2.0  46% 2.2
  43 207 Black Durgon                       49% 2.3  57% 2.3  48% 2.3
  44  83 Masked Goby/Glass Goby             48% 3.5  68% 3.5  44% 3.5
  45  54 Yellowtail Damselfish              47% 2.3  43% 2.0  48% 2.4
  46 205 Doctorfish                         46% 2.2  82% 2.0  39% 2.2
  47 194 Mahogany Snapper                   46% 2.5  64% 2.3  43% 2.5
  48 149 Princess Parrotfish                45% 2.3  43% 2.0  46% 2.4
  49 238 Sand Tilefish                      44% 1.9  64% 1.9  40% 1.9
  50  97 Nassau Grouper                     44% 1.4  43% 1.3  44% 1.4
  51  93 Coney                              42% 2.0  61% 1.8  38% 2.0
  52  52 Sergeant Major                     39% 2.5  46% 2.4  38% 2.5
  53  91 Black Grouper                      39% 1.4  39% 1.2  39% 1.5
  54  51 Longfin Damselfish                 38% 2.4  54% 2.7  34% 2.3
  55 118 Barred Hamlet                      37% 1.7  46% 1.5  35% 1.7
  56   3 French Angelfish                   35% 1.8  21% 1.3  37% 1.9
  57 210 Queen Triggerfish                  33% 1.3  57% 1.2  28% 1.4
  58 137 Horse-Eye Jack                     33% 2.5  39% 2.5  31% 2.5
  59  50 Dusky Damselfish                   33% 2.4  14% 2.0  36% 2.4
  60  99 Red Hind                           31% 1.4  46% 1.2  28% 1.5
  61 200 Longjaw Squirrelfish               30% 1.7  71% 1.8  21% 1.6
  62 154 Redtail Parrotfish                 30% 2.0  64% 2.1  24% 1.9
  63  47 Beaugregory                        30% 2.0  57% 1.8  25% 2.1
  64  45 Sunshinefish                       30% 2.6  57% 2.7  24% 2.5
  65   9 Blackcap Basslet                   30% 3.1  46% 3.3  27% 3.1
  66  79 Bridled Goby                       30% 2.6  36% 2.3  29% 2.6
  67 102 Tiger Grouper                      30% 1.3  36% 1.3  29% 1.3
  68  49 Cocoa Damselfish                   29% 2.1  39% 1.9  26% 2.1
  69 218 Slippery Dick                      26% 2.4  54% 2.3  21% 2.4
  70 142 Cero                               26% 1.9  46% 1.5  22% 2.1
  71 121 Butter Hamlet                      26% 1.6  36% 1.2  24% 1.7
  72 203 Squirrelfish                       25% 2.1  11% 1.0  28% 2.2
  73 191 Dog Snapper                        23% 1.8  46% 1.7  19% 1.8
  74 221 Bermuda Chub/Yellow Chub           23% 2.2  36% 1.9  20% 2.3
  75  87 Peppermint Goby                    21% 2.0  57% 2.1  14% 2.0
  76 150 Queen Parrotfish                   21% 1.7  36% 1.5  18% 1.8
  77 214 Clown Wrasse                       21% 2.2  32% 2.3  19% 2.1
  78  81 Goldspot Goby                      18% 2.3  46% 2.4  12% 2.2
  79 153 Redfin Parrotfish                  18% 1.9  46% 1.8  12% 1.9
  80  32 Longsnout Butterflyfish            18% 1.6  18% 1.4  19% 1.6
  81 125 Shy Hamlet                         17% 1.4  21% 1.7  16% 1.3
  82  72 Whitespotted Filefish              17% 1.7  14% 1.5  18% 1.7
  83  28 Spotted Trunkfish                  16% 1.8  25% 1.6  14% 1.9
  84 217 Rainbow Wrasse                     15% 2.4  50% 2.6   8% 2.2
  85  13 Arrow Blenny                       15% 1.7  43% 1.7  10% 1.6
  86 416 Barsnout Goby                      15% 1.8  39% 2.1  10% 1.6
  87  27 Smooth Trunkfish                   15% 1.6  18% 1.0  15% 1.7
  88  19 Saddled Blenny                     14% 2.0  25% 1.9  11% 2.1
  89 151 Rainbow Parrotfish                 14% 1.8  11% 1.7  14% 1.8
  90 148 Midnight Parrotfish                13% 1.5  18% 1.8  12% 1.5
  91  59 Spotted Drum                       12% 1.2   7% 1.0  14% 1.3
  92 216 Puddingwife                        12% 1.5  36% 1.2   7% 1.8
  93 139 Permit                             12% 1.9  25% 1.7   9% 1.9
  94 209 Ocean Triggerfish                  12% 1.4  14% 1.5  11% 1.3
  95 171 Spotted Eagle Ray                  12% 1.1  14% 1.8  11% 1.0
  96 193 Lane Snapper                       11% 1.8  21% 1.8   9% 1.8
  97 183 Peppermint Bass                    11% 1.3  14% 1.0  10% 1.4
  98  66 Spotted Moray                      11% 1.0  11% 1.0  11% 1.0
  99  41 Whitestar Cardinalfish             10% 1.8  25% 2.0   7% 1.7
 100  25 Honeycomb Cowfish                  10% 1.0  21% 1.0   7% 1.0
 101 230 Sand Diver                         10% 1.4  14% 1.5   9% 1.3
 102  70 Scrawled Filefish                  10% 1.3  11% 1.0   9% 1.4
 103 144 Blue Parrotfish                    10% 1.8   7% 2.0  10% 1.8
 104 100 Rock Hind                          10% 1.6           12% 1.6
 105  69 Orangespotted Filefish              9% 1.1  21% 1.2   6% 1.1
 106 141 Yellow Jack                         9% 2.5  14% 2.3   8% 2.6
 107 170 Southern Stingray                   9% 1.1  14% 1.3   8% 1.1
 108 147 Greenblotch Parrotfish              8% 1.9  29% 2.0   4% 1.8
 109  86 Pallid Goby                         8% 1.7  29% 1.6   4% 1.8
 110 226 Redspotted Hawkfish                 8% 1.1  25% 1.3   5% 1.0
 111 198 Blackbar Soldierfish                8% 1.5  21% 1.7   6% 1.4
 112 231 Sharksucker                         8% 1.1  21% 1.0   5% 1.1
 113  63 Green Moray                         8% 1.0   7% 1.0   8% 1.0
 114 187 Nurse Shark                         8% 1.0   7% 1.0   8% 1.0
 115 190 Cubera Snapper                      7% 1.1  25% 1.1   4% 1.0
 116 237 Tarpon                              7% 1.5  18% 1.4   4% 1.5
 117   2 Cherubfish                          7% 1.7  11% 2.0   6% 1.6
 118 192 Gray Snapper                        7% 2.0   7% 3.0   7% 1.8
 119 103 Yellowfin Grouper                   7% 1.4   7% 1.5   7% 1.4
 120 104 Yellowmouth Grouper                 6% 1.4  14% 1.3   4% 1.5
 121  23 Boga                                6% 2.8   7% 2.0   6% 3.0
 122 235 Atlantic Spadefish                  6% 2.2   4% 1.0   6% 2.3
 123 199 Dusky Squirrelfish                  5% 1.4  21% 1.7   2% 1.0
 124 173 Green Razorfish                     5% 1.8  14% 1.5   4% 2.0
 125 195 Mutton Snapper                      5% 1.6  11% 1.0   4% 1.8
 126 157 Jolthead Porgy                      5% 1.5  11% 1.7   4% 1.4
 127  29 Trunkfish                           5% 1.4  11% 1.3   4% 1.5
 128  14 Diamond Blenny                      5% 1.1  11% 1.0   4% 1.2
 129 114 Spanish Grunt                       5% 1.6   4% 1.0   6% 1.6
 130  71 Slender Filefish                    5% 2.1   4% 1.0   5% 2.3
 131  26 Scrawled Cowfish                    5% 1.1            6% 1.1
 132 603 Tusked Goby                         4% 1.6  25% 1.6         
 133 182 Lantern Bass                        4% 1.0  18% 1.0   1% 1.0
 134 533 Cave Bass                           4% 1.6  14% 1.5   2% 1.7
 135  36 Belted Cardinalfish                 4% 1.7  11% 1.7   2% 1.7
 136  17 Redlip Blenny                       4% 1.0  11% 1.0   2% 1.0
 137  82 Hovering Goby                       4% 2.7   7% 2.5   4% 2.8
 138  62 Goldentail Moray                    4% 1.0   7% 1.0   4% 1.0
 139  85 Orangesided Goby                    4% 2.7   7% 2.0   3% 3.0
 140 106 Caesar Grunt                        4% 1.9   4% 1.0   4% 2.0
 141 367 Cobia                               4% 1.0   4% 1.0   4% 1.0
 142 128 Yellowtail Hamlet                   4% 1.7            4% 1.7
 143 132 Spotfin Hogfish                     4% 1.5            4% 1.5
 144 164 Bandtail Puffer                     4% 1.3            4% 1.3
 145  38 Dusky Cardinalfish                  3% 2.6  18% 2.6         
 146 134 Blue Runner                         3% 2.2  14% 2.3   1% 2.0
 147 145 Bluelip Parrotfish                  3% 2.0  14% 2.3   1% 1.0
 148 361 Sponge Cardinalfish                 3% 1.4  14% 1.5   1% 1.0
 149  12 Glasseye Snapper                    3% 1.8  11% 2.0   1% 1.5
 150  58 Reef Croaker                        3% 1.8  11% 2.0   1% 1.5
 151 129 Hybrid Hamlet                       3% 1.2   7% 1.0   2% 1.3
 152 202 Reef Squirrelfish                   3% 2.2   4% 2.0   3% 2.3
 153 180 Creole-fish                         3% 2.8            4% 2.8
 154  33 Reef Butterflyfish                  3% 2.0            4% 2.0
 155 539 School Bass                         2% 2.5  14% 2.5         
 156 319 Blackhead Blenny                    2% 1.5  14% 1.5         
 157  24 Bonnetmouth                         2% 2.8  11% 2.7   1% 3.0
 158 232 Silversides, Herrings, Anchovies    2% 3.0   7% 3.5   1% 2.5
 159 179 Chalk Bass                          2% 2.0   7% 2.5   1% 1.0
 160 140 Rainbow Runner                      2% 2.0   7% 2.0   1% 2.0
 161  35 Barred Cardinalfish                 2% 1.7   7% 1.5   1% 2.0
 162  73 Eyed Flounder                       2% 2.0   4% 1.0   2% 2.3
 163 126 Tan Hamlet                          2% 1.3   4% 1.0   2% 1.3
 164 109 Black Margate                       2% 1.0   4% 1.0   2% 1.0
 165 471 Red Lizardfish                      2% 1.0   4% 1.0   2% 1.0
 166 116 Tomtate                             2% 1.3   4% 1.0   1% 1.5
 167 163 Balloonfish                         2% 1.3   4% 1.0   1% 1.5
 168  68 Orange Filefish                     2% 1.3            3% 1.3
 169 107 Cottonwick                          2% 3.0            2% 3.0
 170  90 Yellowline Goby                     2% 2.0            2% 2.0
 171 304 Threeline Basslet                   1% 1.0   7% 1.0         
 172 322 Dwarf Blenny                        1% 1.0   7% 1.0         
 173 584 Whitespotted Toadfish               1% 1.0   7% 1.0         
 174  40 Twospot Cardinalfish                1% 2.5   4% 3.0   1% 2.0
 175 532 Candy Bass                          1% 1.5   4% 1.0   1% 2.0
 176 223 Lancer Dragonet                     1% 2.0   4% 2.0         
 177 419 Cleaning Goby                       1% 2.0   4% 2.0         
 178 431 Sharknose Goby                      1% 2.0   4% 2.0         
 179  37 Blackfin Cardinalfish               1% 1.0   4% 1.0         
 180  64 Purplemouth Moray                   1% 1.0   4% 1.0         
 181 135 Crevalle Jack                       1% 1.0   4% 1.0         
 182 166 Porcupinefish                       1% 1.0   4% 1.0 ---SO---
 183 338 Spinyhead Blenny                    1% 1.0   4% 1.0         
 184   8 Southern Sennet                     1% 3.0            1% 3.0
 185  74 Gulf Flounder                       1% 3.0            1% 3.0
 186  78 Blue Goby                           1% 3.0            1% 3.0
 187  89 Spotlight Goby                      1% 3.0            1% 3.0
 188 212 Blackear Wrasse                     1% 3.0            1% 3.0
 189 219 Yellowcheek Wrasse                  1% 3.0            1% 3.0
 190 112 Sailors Choice                      1% 2.5            1% 2.5
 191  11 Bigeye                              1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 192  20 Sailfin Blenny                      1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 193  60 Brown Garden Eel                    1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 194  75 Peacock Flounder                    1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 195  80 Colon Goby                          1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 196 115 Striped Grunt                       1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 197 136 Greater Amberjack                   1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 198 174 Pearly Razorfish                    1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 199 189 Blackfin Snapper                    1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 200 211 Sargassum Triggerfish               1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 201 418 Broadstripe Goby                    1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 202 453 Black Jack                          1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 203 469 Bluestriped Lizardfish              1% 2.0            1% 2.0
 204  18 Rosy Blenny                         1% 1.5            1% 1.5
 205  56 Highhat                             1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 206  96 Jewfish                             1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 207 110 White Margate                       1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 208 122 Golden Hamlet                       1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 209 127 Yellowbelly Hamlet                  1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 210 159 Pluma                               1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 211 161 Sheepshead                          1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 212 162 Sheepshead Porgy                    1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 213 186 Blacktip Shark                      1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 214 222 Bluespotted Cornetfish              1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 215 224 Longlure Frogfish                   1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 216 234 Greater Soapfish                    1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 217 236 Glassy Sweeper                      1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 218 383 Chestnut Moray                      1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 219 495 Shortfin Pipefish                   1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 220 566 Whitespotted Soapfish               1% 1.0            1% 1.0
 221 138 Palometa                          ---SO---          ---SO---
 222 227 Houndfish                         ---SO---          ---SO---
 223 233 Common Snook                      ---SO---          ---SO---
 224 347 Bonefish                          ---SO---          ---SO---
 225 473 King Mackerel                     ---SO---          ---SO---
 226 583 Whitelined Toadfish               ---SO---          ---SO---
                            Total Species:      226      173      212

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