A "Charlie's" Angel In Paradise
Movie Star Cameron Diaz Vacations in Ambergris Caye

Hollywood movie star of "Charlie's Angels" fame Cameron Diaz arrived for a vacation in Ambergris Caye last Thursday afternoon aboard a local flight originating from the Belize municipal airport. Resort personnel from a hotel up north Ambergris were awaiting her arrival at the San Pedro airstrip around 3:30 p.m. as Diaz's flight gave her a courtesy fly-over of La Isla Bonita before touching down at the airport around four in the afternoon.

The model-turned-actress was camera-shy upon her arrival at the small island airport, and did not seem to want to exit the small Cessna Caravan aircraft in order to avoid the camera lens waiting patiently for a picture of her. Escorted by her assistants, who came with her on the flight, Diaz shyly stepped down of the aircraft covering part of her face with a big white hat. Instead of walking to the terminal, Diaz was escorted to an aperture on the airport fence away from the terminal where she was rapidly exited to the waiting taxi that was to take her to a water taxi at Fido's pier. Her maneuvers to avoid the camera at the airport smacked right out of a Charlie's Angels adventure scene of surveillance and avoidance. All was not last for a baggage carrier at the airport though, as he managed to secure an autograph from the actress before the taxi sped off with her.

Cameron Diaz seemed to come out of nowhere when she made her 1994 Hollywood screen debut opposite Jim Carrey in "The Mask". However, her unusual beauty, the result of her Cuban-American and Anglo-German-Native American parentage, helped to ensure that she would not be soon forgotten. Born in San Diego, CA, on August 30, 1972, Diaz left school at 16 to become a model. For the next five years, she traveled the globe, working in Japan, Australia, Mexico, Morocco, and Paris. As a model for the Elite Agency, she did commercial work for such products as Coke, Nivea, and L.A. Gear. She returned to California at the age of 21 and was unknown in the film industry when she was cast in her breakthrough role as the target of Jim Carrey's hyper-animated lust in "The Mask".

From then on, Camron's career sprung forward like a rocket. She now has many films in her resumé, some of the most popular being: "Feeling Minnesota" (1996), A Life Less Ordinary", "My Best Friend's Wedding" (1997 - Proving herself an acceptable foil for the film's star, Julia Roberts (who incidentally has visited San Pedro with then boyfriend Benjamin Bratt), "There's Something About Mary" (1998), "Very Bad Things", "Being John Malkovich" (1999), "Any Given Sunday", and the now very famous "Charlie's Angels" (2000 & sequel in 2003).

While vacationing in Belize, Diaz was also rumored to have visited Placencia, but throughout her stay, she preferred to remain incognito and enjoy the wonderful sights and sounds of Paradise.

Photo Captions:
1. Cameron Diaz with the kids of Mata Chica!
2. Cameron Diaz peeks from airplane to check if the "coast is clear" of cameras or crazy fans!
3. Cameron Diaz (middle) rushes to Fido's pier to catch a water taxi to take her to her resort on North Ambergris.

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