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Real Bride Question: Fiance is a dud when it comes to planning

My Fiance is a dud when it comes to planning!

Real Bride Question: My fianc� and I are getting married October of next year and we�ve already begun doing some planning but it seems like unless I constantly remind him nothing is gonna get done it feels like I have more help from my best friends and very little from my fianc� so ladies and gents of wedding me please :/ (she goes on to explain that when she does give him a list, he doesnt follow up and claims there�s a ton of time)

My Response: such a frustrating situation! have you considered asking him what aspects he would be interested in? Perhaps choosing limo�s, music, or specialty cocktail might be more �dude like� and might help get him inspired to participate. Also, i find that over 70% of the honeymooners that contact me � are the grooms. and guess what, they are almost always rushing with about a month notice! I tsk tsk tsk them, because i�m sure he was tasked with the planning ages before. sigh men, we love �em!

Have you tried to tell him how this all makes you feel? That i makes you feel like he doesnt care about the wedding. Maybe you can go on to say that his dismissiveness about the wedding feels like he�s dismissing you. If you can get him to see that you arent nagging but that you read his behavior as a reflection of he feels about you, maybe he�ll change his vantage point a little bit.

Wishing you much luck and love! Lara

Belize Destination Wedding expert Lara Goldman from Romantic Travel Belize answers your questions, doles out useful advice and shares her opinion about... well, everything! Lara's unique perspective is a breath of fresh air and exactly what you're looking for whether just for advice or for full service event planning.
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Real Bride Question: Fiance is a dud when it comes to planning

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