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Things to consider when planning your trip

I received an email inquiry for a tropical beach honeymoon from a lovely girl in Oregon the other day. I phoned her, and in the course of the conversation, she mentioned that they might want to have a destination wedding and get married while they were here.� It would be just she and him.� Elopement is the old term for this, i believe :)

This got me thinking of my own� beach destination wedding, and the wedding that was “the thing� we did on monday of our vacation”, which was also our honeymoon.� It was just he and i, and i learned a lot.� As i advised this Bride-To-Be on what i thought was best, i was drawing not only from my knowledge of this tiny island paradise, but also from my personal experience.

What a lovely trip down memory lane :)

So, here’s my advice on things to consider when planning your trip, honeymoon, or even elopement.

Be Very Clear about your expectations – being clear on your expectations is more than just saying “I just want to get married on the beach”.� What do you expect the hotel to be like?� What are your thoughts on rustic versus posh?

Are you a social person?� Do you want to be able to talk to other couples, or do you want seclusion?� When i traveled� in my 20′s, i� wanted to meet people easily, make friends with other couples, have someone else to hang with a little.� Now that i’m in my late 30′s i want access to others, but i dont need to be around a ton of people….then again i live on a tiny tropical island :)

How far are you willing to go into town and socialize?� How often do you think you’ll want to go to ‘town’?

Be Clear about your tolerances – Sometimes the power goes out for a couple hours here in Belize.� It just is what it is.� Maybe on average, once every couple months, the power will go out for a couple hours, or the water will not work for half a day…or the cable or internet goes down.� It is what it is.� And it is Belize.� This ain’t texas….it’s a tiny nation of 250,000 people, and is about the size of Massachusetts.� It’s all just part of the charm :) � Besides, when it happens at night….the sky is the most amazing thing you will ever see.

We have bugs and things.� We just do.� The truth is, there are only a few places on the island that will be the least buggy.� You will see iguana’s running around, too.�

Belize Destination Wedding expert Lara Goldman from Romantic Travel Belize answers your questions, doles out useful advice and shares her opinion about... well, everything! Lara's unique perspective is a breath of fresh air and exactly what you're looking for whether just for advice or for full service event planning.
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Things to consider when planning your trip

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