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Bridal Guide Magazine Wedding Tips Feature RTB

I was asked to provide my best wedding tip for brides preparing their budget. The inquiry was for the Bible of Brides, Bridal Guide Magazine. The article, 30 Unexpected Wedding Costs Brides Forget to Budget For. The list of tips is very detailed, but my tip was the very last one listed, and I frankly think it�s the most important of all: The Ubiquitous �OTHER.�

Here�s my tip in full, but they left off the destination wedding part when they printed it :)

I also tell my bride to add 20% to her budget for �other�. What is �other�?

  • �Other� is when the flower delivery got stuck in a storm, and you have to hire a local florist to use local flowers.
  • �Other� is for when the power suddenly goes out and you have to go buy 200 candles.
  • �Other� is for the �dear friend� who cried that she and her new boyfriend werent invited, and you have to lie and say her invitation got lost in the mail.
  • �Other� is for the broken nail that broke so low you have to get a full set of acrylics at the last minute so your hands dont look like a ditch diggers

For a destination wedding, the list of �other� is even longer � Your shipment of special decor fell off the barge on the way to the island, or your musician decided that he wanted to play with a circus in Playa Del Carmen, or there�s a storm, or or or or!

I�m a very budget conscious girl, so when asked to create a budget, i always, *always* include 20% for the ubiquitous �Other�!

Belize Destination Wedding expert Lara Goldman from Romantic Travel Belize answers your questions, doles out useful advice and shares her opinion about... well, everything! Lara's unique perspective is a breath of fresh air and exactly what you're looking for whether just for advice or for full service event planning.
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Bridal Guide Magazine Wedding Tips Feature RTB

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