Venezuelan artist turns sand into art

The Island Newspaper, Ambergris Caye, Belize            Vol. 13, No. 2            January 23, 2003

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Jose Luis puts finishing touches to sand sculpture

Venezuelan sculptor Jose Luis Gonzalez is on "La Isla Bonita" once again creating magnificent sand sculptures at Central Park. This twenty-eight-year-old artist has been a sculptor for the past 14 years, fashioning wonderful pieces of art using marble, cement and other solid bodies. He began working with sand eight years ago after watching a documentary on the Discovery Channel that sparked his interest.

    Jose Luis says his work is a tribute to the great artists of the renaissance period and credits his love for Greek mythology as his inspiration. Since he started working with sand, this talented sculptor has traveled around both South and Central America delighting residents and tourists with his art. Jose Luis says he finances his travels with the tips he gathers from people who view his creations and also by hitchhiking from destination to destination.

    Last year, Jose Luis visited "La Isla Bonita" where he displayed his work on Mar de Tumbo beach. Mr. Gonzalez told The San Pedro Sun that Dennis Eiley recommended he return to San Pedro and that Caribbean Depot was very generous in providing the sand (from the Mountain Pine Ridge area) for his work.

    Since last Saturday, Jose Luis has created two wonderful sculptures - "La Piedad," a replica of one of Michaelangelo's works, and another depicting Jesus Christ on Mount Sinai. The two sculptures took him a total of 24 hours to complete. At press time, Jose Luis was in the process of erecting a third.

    Jose Luis Gonzalez expressed his sincere thanks to the San Pedro Town Council for allowing him to showcase his work on the island, to the Eileys of Caribbean Depot for the sand, and to San Pedro Distributors for providing a tent which came in handy with all the inclement weather the island has been experiencing lately. "More than anything I am delighted that the people enjoy my exhibits and glad that the people of San Pedro support outside artists. I hope that my visit to San Pedro inspires the children of the island to learn this type of art," Mr. Gonzalez ended.

    Jose Luis will remain in San Pedro until Friday, when he departs for Mexico and Costa Rica. The San Pedro Sun wishes this talented artist all the best of luck in his travels and thanks him for providing residents and visitors of "La Isla Bonita" a glimpse of his inspiring work.
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