Doctor Love

The Island Newspaper, Ambergris Caye, Belize            Vol. 14, No. 5            February 12, 2004

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Dr. Love is the islands and possibly the world's greatest authority on just about everything. The Doctor answers questions concerning any subject except religion or politics. Persons needing additional assistance or counseling should contact the Family Services Division at 227-7451.

You may write to the Doctor at P.O. Box 35, San Pedro Town, Belize, fax 226-2905 or E-mail [email protected] or [email protected]

Dear Dr.,
I need your advice. I'm 21 years old and I'm from the cayes. I went to primary school here and all those years I never really went anywhere because my parents were too strict. I then went to the city to study further for the next six years. During that time I was very happy. I recently moved back home, and I've come to realize that I've never truly been happy here. I have no friends, just family. I don't have a social life.

I've been thinking of leaving, but my mom doesn't want me to. The thing is, she's very sick. She has anywhere from a couple of months to a couple of years to live. I love her and my family, but I'm just not happy here. A lot of the times I'm grumpy and get upset with everyone over silly things.

I'm scared of leaving and being completely on my own, but I know if I leave, I will be happy. Happier than I am now. What should I do? What do you think is the best thing for me to do?

Thank You.
/s/ Tired of being unhappy

Dear Tired,
The Doctor is aware of how trite it sounds, but it is a fact that happiness is something that comes from within. This is a phrase that all of us are aware of but have you ever stopped to think of what it truly means? It means that, no matter what the circumstances of your life, you will only be happy when you are happy with yourself. Changing your situation in life usually means only changing the external things and that is not enough.

A good example is people who immigrate to this country because they are unhappy where they are. They think that a drastic change of location like moving to another country is the answer to what has gone wrong in their life. They move here and find that nothing has really changed. If their problem was alcohol, they have a good chance of becoming an alcoholic here. If their problem was drugs, the problem often worsens because drugs are easy to get here and the consequences of getting caught are usually less severe than in other places. If they were workaholics in their own country, they find themselves working even more here. In most of these cases, these people would have been better off staying where they were and working their problems out in familiar surroundings.

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself exactly what it is that is making you unhappy. Be honest with yourself because this is extremely important. If it turns out that you resent feeling that you have to be near your family, then you should consider moving.

Nature has provided us with the instinct to produce more children for the next generation. It is hard to do this with the encumbrances of family. On the other hand, caring for the aging generation is strictly a function of our role in society. When the rules of society and the laws of nature collide, society rarely wins.

Dear Dr. Love,
I wrote a couple of weeks ago, but got no reply, so I am writing again. I hope you answer. You see, I really like this guy, maybe even love him, but he's not near and I haven't seen him for years, so I finally called him. I'm really shy, so I was just friendly. He got my number and said he'd call that night or the next day. The thing is, I mistakenly turned my cell phone off that night and the night after, so I don't know if he called.

It's now over a month and he hasn't called. But I still want to know if I have a chance with him. How can I let him know how I feel without looking too desperate and being vulnerable? What should I do? What should I say? Should I even call him again? Because if I don't, I'll always be wondering "What if?"
/s/ Want to Know

Dear Want to Know,
Make certain that you really want to know. A pop psychologist would immediately ask if turning off your cell phone was really an accident or were you afraid that he would not call so you turned it off in order not to be disappointed.

Since the Doctor is not a pop psychologist, it is assumed that turning the cell phone off was strictly an accident. In that case, go for it. By all means call him and find out. What do you have to lose anyway?

One of the biggest problems that people encounter in life is fear of failure. How many times have you met people with tremendous potential but who were afraid to venture out to see if the potential could be realized? We all know people who might be great artists but are afraid to show their paintings to anyone or those who have the potential to write books but do not share their writing with anyone. We think it is a shame when we see people like this and we feel that they should be more aggressive with their talents.

We see this in others yet we do not realize that we do the same thing to ourselves in our personal lives. Because we are afraid of failure or afraid of what others might think, we do not pursue relationships that could change our lives forever.

There is nothing to lose by pursuing a relationship. Go for it.

Dear Doctor,
I noticed Wolfe's Woofer has a new picture of Dennis Wolfe in The San Pedro Sun. He looks so much healthier and younger than in his last picture. Has he recovered from an illness or did he get a facelift? If he got a facelift, can you get me the name of his doctor?
/s/ #1 Fan

Dear #1 Fan,
Dennis only comes to the office or responds to our calls and E- mails when he is desperate for a check. After repeatedly trying to get a response from him, we received the following E-mail full of absurd accusations and Woofer-like ramblings:

As you are aware, some jealous person at the Sun has been trying to sabotage my appeal to the ladies by ruining my picture. I have used the same picture for fifteen years and there was nothing wrong with it until recently. Fifteen years ago, I looked like a young Clint Eastwood in that picture. Now, that same picture looks like I am afflicted with a severe case of the "zacklies." It makes me look "zackly" like Clint's wrinkled old butt. Of course, you also have to remember that when that picture was taken I was a lot older than I am now.

I finally have a picture that looks just like me and possibly even better. Tell the rest of that editorial crew to keep their hands and those little marking pens off of it and quit trying to make me look old and diseased.

Dear Doctor Love,
Are you mellowing out or something? I noticed that you quit fighting the battle against the plans to limit vehicles on the island. You haven't mentioned a word about it even though the plans are still in place for it to go through.

Whether you know it or not the moratorium is still in effect and there are more than 150 applications pending. According to the Minister of Transportation, when the law is changed the local government will have final determination on how many vehicles are allowed on the island and the Ambergris Caye Traffic Control Committee will have the responsibility of enforcing the new law.

The Minister of Transportation is requesting a public meeting for responses to the changes to the law. We have to attend that meeting. We need to get together and fight this thing before it is rammed down our throat. We are getting screwed and you are the only one who has championed those of us who are against it. Please help us publicize what is going on.
/s/ Concerned Citizens

Dear Citizens,
You have let yourself get screwed by not attending the meetings where all of these great changes were taking place. The law is going to change and someday you will not get a golf cart or you will find yourself at the mercy of unscrupulous and greedy bureaucrats. Then, you will believe it is because a group of people who already own vehicles had the law changed to benefit them.

Wrong! It is because your own ignorance got the best of you and you let the law go through.

At one time, the Doctor was highly concerned with the change of traffic control laws on the island. The Doctor's transportation problems have been taken care of. Now that the Doctor has a golf cart, the new law looks pretty good.

Dear Doctor Love,
I am having a lot of trouble meeting women here in Belize. I am not talking about tourists or the local gringas. I met enough of those women in the US. I would like to meet a nice local girl but I don't know how to do it. When I go to a bar they are always in a group and it is hard to get their attention because their friends are with them. I did meet one single girl in a bar here but she turned out to be a hooker and I have no interest in that.

I don't know how to go about asking a girl here for a date because the only time I ever get a chance to talk is when we are dancing and most of them won't slow dance with me. I am beginning to feel like something is wrong with me although I am not what you would consider an ugly guy. I am just normal.

I am interested in having a relationship with someone, one that could eventually be something besides casual dating. How do I go about this? Any suggestions?
/s/ Getting Desperate

Dear Desperate,
The Doctor will answer this letter as long as you bear in mind that Doctor Love is not a dating service.

Never approach a woman here who is with a group of other women. Like wolves, the pack will sense weakness and rip you apart. Singly, they are slightly less difficult to approach. If you want to meet someone to establish a relationship try to do it someplace besides a bar. Perhaps you have seen an attractive woman at her job. Without interfering with her work, it should be possible for you to find out if she is single. Then, you have already established the fact that you are interested in her. If she is single, then ask her out for dinner. All women are individuals but as a group, they have certain characteristics in common. She is going to want to know more about you before you have a chance of making the relationship anything more than conversation. A dinner date is probably your best bet for laying the foundation of a relationship.
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