San Pedro Graduation 2006 begins

The Island Newspaper, Ambergris Caye, Belize            Vol. 16, No. 24            June 15, 2006

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SPHS Graduates 46

46 graduates joined San Pedro High history this past Sunday.

Prom night is obviously one of the most important social events of a students life and this year was no different.

Another page in history turned on Sunday, June 11th, as 46 members of the Class of 2006 entered the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church to the strains of Pomp and Circumstance to complete their final day as students of San Pedro High School.

    This was the high school’s 31st Annual commencement exercise, as the proud students celebrated four years of sacrifice and hard dedicated work. Previous to the commencement exercise, Reverend Father Paul Grala officiated an inspirational Graduation Mass. Graduate Natalie Arceo was Mistress of Ceremonies for the Commencement Exercises and began the exercise by introducing Conchita Ayuso who gave the Salutatory Address. In her speech, Ayuso commented, “I will fondly remember the academic help we gave each other. My fellow graduates, you should be proud of yourselves. I will never forget this day and my school days and to all friends may you all achieve success and become leaders in our community. Thank you […] to the teachers for the remarkable job that they have done.”

    Principal Angel Nuñez, with assistance from Chairlady Martha Guerrero, awarded diplomas to the deserving graduates. Students that graduated with honors include; (Form 4A) Regina Lavin, Gabriela Guerrero, Miguel Perez, Daisy Graniel, and Michael Del Valle; Conchita Ayuso, Tatiana Rivero and Eduardo Alonzo all of Form 4C; Iliana Chan, Samira Perez, Nathalie Arceo and Angie Zambrano all of Form 4G. The award for Outstanding Senior Award was given to Leticia Lara for her great achievements and accomplishments throughout the year. Student of the Year was an ecstatic Olivia Gillett of Form 3C for her ability to make and inspire her peers/teachers to be better persons. Mr. Nuñez then gave his Principal’s address, which was followed by Guest Speaker Alex Nuñez, Education Officer. In his speech, Nuñez stated, “Do you have the desire to be the next generation of leaders or the next generation of followers? You all are our future leaders and we hope you continue furthering your studies and become leaders in the community. You all make us proud and you should be pompous of your achievements.” Another award for Teacher of the Year was given to none other than Mr. Paul Kelly, for his dedication to his students and fellow teachers. His drive to motivate and the respect he shares with all peers and students stand out most.

    Valedictorian Zeida Gabriela Guerrero then took the podium to address those present. In her emotional speech, Zeida stated, “Dedication and sacrifice are the pillars of success. […] Mr. Nuñez and all teachers, thank you for your efforts. To the students, push and your hard efforts will pay off. I will forever treasure my high school memories and I wish you all good luck for the future.” Tatiana Rivero conducted the Rose Ceremony, “[Parents] accept these roses as a symbol of love and appreciation.” That was followed by the Blessing of the rings, whereby Reverend Paul Grala blessed each ring and handed them to the deserving graduates. Graduate Natalie Arceo and the choir then honored the graduating class with the farewell song entitled Good-bye San Pedro High. It was a delightful rendition sung by the choir all in sync to the tune. At closing, the Vote of Thanks was given by Regina Lavin who bid farewell to all graduates and thanked everyone that participated in the exercise. The graduates then graciously walked down the adorned aisle one last time as a collective unit to greet each other and pose for their pictures to be taken with friends and family.

    The San Pedro Sun and community congratulate all of the 2006 graduates and bid them well in the future. Congrats Graduates!

St. Peter’s College Graduates 21

The graduating class of St. Peter’s College 2006.

June is a very special month for students worldwide. It’s the month when their hard work and dedication is finally rewarded when they receive their diplomas acknowledging successful completion of their academic studies. It’s the day when after closing one door, countless ones open.

    This past Friday, St. Peter’s College 21 graduates walked down the aisle to the beat of Pomp and Circumstance. After the singing of the National Anthem, Master of Ceremonies Alfonso Wiltshire called Principal Frank Nuñez for his annual report. Valedictorian Eleanor Rosalez took to the podium then to address those gathered. She encouraged her fellow graduates to strive for the better the same why they did will at school. Rosalez went on to say that his was merely the beginning of a long road and that she was certain that with the knowledge that they gathered at St. Peter’s College they were now armed to take over the world.

    The graduates then delighted everyone with their rendition of R. Kelly’s World’s Greatest. Guest Speaker for the evening, First Caribbean Bank Manager Justin Nicholas then addressed the graduates. “[…] there were a lot of sweat and tears along with countless hours in the classroom […] today is a reality because of your dedication. […] Don’t worry about what people think of you; what you think of yourself is what matters. Sometimes what stands between us and our dreams is what we think of ourselves. […] Life is very precious, live it fully,” he commented.

    After a poem recited by Sara Burgos, and the rose ceremony Special Guest Speaker Mayor Elsa Paz who stated, “Now that you have reached this far, I challenge you to go a little further. Remember that your education does not end here. This certificate is a doorway to many possibilities. I am sure that with hard work and dedication you can become San Pedro’s next doctor, our next lawyer, our next Area Representative or perhaps even out future Prime Minister. I urge you all to value an education, as it is the key to your success. Challenge your self to do better.” The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Luisa Riverol while the distribution of diplomas was done by both guest speakers.

    The graduation class of 2006 along with friends, family and their faculty enjoyed a party at the San Pedro Lion’s Club after the ceremony.
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