
The Island Newspaper, Ambergris Caye, Belize            Vol. 20, No. 10            March 11, 2010

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    Last week a tearful Valerie Coombs read a statement to the media with the heartbreaking passion only a grieving mother can portray. In her statement, she recounted her utter frustration with the manner in which the police are investigating the murder of her son Jason, who was killed in Belize City three months ago.

    One can only imagine the devastating heart break a parent suffers when losing a child, especially when the death is a violent one. When trying to find comfort during such a difficult time it is understandable that bringing justice to such a heinous crime would be paramount. For some, once the criminals are captured and charged for their crime the mourning family members gain a sense of justice and closure to the painful ordeal. How difficult it must be to know that your son’s murderers are still walking the streets, and how unbearable it must be to see such apathy in the ones you are counting on to solve the crime?

    Sadly Mrs. Coombs ordeal is not a unique one, and often we hear of the same frustrations and sense of helplessness others endure while searching for the criminals who took the life of a loved one. When cops don’t care the message is clear, anyone can get away with murder, and the vicious cycle will not only continue but will undoubtedly grow. Mrs. Coombs could not have said it better and we urge you to take to heart her burning words.

Valerie Coombs - Statement to Belize Media – March 3rd, 2010

    Over 3 weeks ago, the Belize media reported that the Police Department (CIB) decided, after over 3 months of doing absolutely nothing but the required paperwork, to assign 2 inspectors to investigate the brutal murder of my son Jason Coombs. How can the police investigate the police? What good will that serve? It’s like handing the robbers the key to the vault. The day that I gave my statement at CIB I was told by the police that the word on the street was that my son’s killing was a contract and that they had one of the suspect’s name and how much was paid, yet no one was ever charged. I asked him if they were going to search for him and was told that they did not have a vehicle to do so at this time. If you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem.

    With a conviction rate of only 7% crimes against the citizens of Belize is of little concern to the justice system. The citizens of Belize deserves better than that. This is a classic case of “Lord, protect us from our protectors.” Please do not insult the intelligence of the Coombs Family by now trying to re-act under media pressure and international exposure. Accept the fact that you do not have the resources, the will or the experience to solve the type or amount of crimes you are facing on a daily basis. The gangs makes their presence known by going to the Court House to see who is going up the stairs to give evidence, this intimidates the witnesses and they keep changing their stories to protect themselves and their families. It is very clear to us now why the police would refuse help from the United States FBI or any other Agency to assist them in their investigation.

    The Belize media reported recently that the United States Government gave Belize one million dollars of US tax-payers money to fight crimes in Belize. Who is tracking this money? Belize is still the most deadliest country to live or visit per capita.

    The difference between a good country and a great country is knowing its limitations and know when to seek help.

    On March 3rd, 2010 I called CIB several times to find out the status of my son’s case, left messages as no one could tell me anything. In desperation, I decided to call Commissioner Jeffries to ask for help and the names of the 2 new inspectors recently assigned to my son’s case so that I could give them a call. I received a rude awakening, he informed me that he did not assign anyone the media did that report. He said the case was on going and that they did not yet locate the suspect. I said how can that be as several reliable sources have seen the suspect still in the city, his response was that they should come forward and put it in writing. At this point I realized that no one was looking for my son’s killers as they expected the citizens to do the job that they should be doing. He then said that he had no time to go back and forth with me, thanked me for the call and hung up the phone.

    This Family will never stop fighting for justice for Jason Coombs, regardless. Wake up Belizeans and take back your country from the thugs because when the gangs take over Belize and you are like prisoners in your homes it will be too much, too little and too late.

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