San Pedro Undefeated!!

by Santiago Acosta

Undefeated, Undefeated, that was the chant after the game and all the way back home by the many faithful fans that accompanied the team to the City to root the Dolphins into an undefeated streak in this classification phase. Boasting the best record in the two zones, the team now prepares to start all over again this Sunday at home against the last place team in the Southern Zone, Belmopan Bandits. In this next round in which the first and second place teams go on to dispute the right to be called the National Champions. Doesn't that sound nice? Well!!! Fans this is the time the team needs you most. Now, as they say, it's prime time and you must show your support by attending the home games and by so contributing to a stronger Football Club.

Ruperto Vicente (looks like the Dolphins are engaged with him because he has refereed most of our games) blew his whistle at 4:00 O'clock on the dot giving start to a most entertaining game. It was Acros with the initiative since they were in desperate need to win and were hoping that Corozal would lose so they would qualify to go to the next round. San Pedro Dolphins knew that desperation brings out strength from nowhere and were prepared since the defense was ready and warded off attack after attack. Meanwhile, Landy, Uruguay and Bonzo were wrecking havoc on the Acros defense, but 'Funes' the goalkeeper displayed the reason why he is still playing in one of Belize's best clubs - flying and snatching away opportunity after opportunity away from the San Pedro offensive line.

Acros drew first blood when in the 35th minute, after an unsuccessful attack from San Pedro, Funes quickly sent out the ball into action again and Muschamp lobbed a long pass from midfield into the Dolphin's red zone and a very alert Acros striker beat the defense by launching the ball from short range pushing it with a 'toe point' kick that zoomed into the left lower angle of 'Brook's goal' giving him no chance and moving the scoreboard in favor of Acros one goal to nil.

After the goal Acros went defensive and the Dolphins went all out to try and equalize, but the first half ended Acros 1 San Pedro 0.

At the start of the second half, the Acros management knew that Juventus was beating Corozal and that a tie with the Dolphins meant that they would edge Corozal out for the third spot in the next round. Bearing this in mind they reinforced their defense and only tried to send a few fast breaks after the Dolphins culminated the attacks that just kept coming. Every Acros player was in their half of the pitch and San Pedro kept pressing showing their resilience and ability to come back time and again from a negative score. It would only be a matter of time before the intense pressure and constant bombardment from Landy, John, Bonzo, Uruguay and Lawrence would pay off. Several passes to the center of the area were contested by Lawrence only to be blown for pushing off on the defender. John and Bonzo took shots at Funes but either they went wide or he was there to defend and keep Acros ahead. Landy broke away from the defense on the left hand side and let go a bullet which Funes managed to slap over the crossbar. And in another beautiful play, Landy observed that Funes was a little bit too far out and sent an arching shot from out of the 18 yard area which beat the keeper but bounced off the top part of the crossbar and kept Acros ahead.

It was not until the 32nd minute that John Trapp received a pass and in a quick move took the ball to the right end and worked his way around the defender, into the 18 yard area, and got ready to send the "Death Pass - El pase de la muerta" to Bonzo which consisted of passing the ball from either of the extreme areas of the defending goal to the streaking striker who then unloads the ball for a sure score. But this beautiful maneuver was not to culminate since the last defender knowing what the result would be decided to do all he had left to do and fouled John in the area to which Vicente did not hesitate and blew the penalty shot. It took a few minutes for the shot to be executed since due to the quickness of the play, when John fell down he did not have time to break his fall and his shoulder was dislocated. He was assisted, but had to stay in hurt and all because the coach had burned all his substitutions. John showed his courage and love for his brother Bonzo because it was Bonzo who asked him to stay on to try to win it in the last minutes. After the delay Vicente blew his whistle authorizing Bonzo to make good on the penalty, and he whizzed a bullet shot to Funes' right that he managed to touch but the force was such that it bent his hand backward and slammed into the net to tie the score.

The remaining minutes were intense with San Pedro on top and Acros hanging on for dear life because if not it would be all over for them. The intensity of the game was shown more vividly when after Bonzo cleared a shot he was brought down by an opposing player and he was stamped on the leg sending him into extreme pain giving rise to fears that it might be broken. Mr. Tony Leslie, owner of the Acros team, getting aware of the situation, graciously and unselfishly brought his van and took John and Bonzo and some committee members to the hospital for treatment. The Trapp brothers were x-rayed and released after receiving assurances that Bonzo had only the bone in his leg bruised due to the stamp while it was confirmed that John's shoulder was dislocated. Fans should not worry since these are minor injuries and both players should be ready for the game Sunday at Ambergris Stadium.

Let us show our appreciation to this set of players for being undefeated by coming out in force on Sunday when the Belmopan Bandits come into town to try to take away the Dolphin's undefeated record. San Pedro, San Pedro, Ra, Ra.

San Pedro Undefeated!!

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San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize News