With the continuous growth of development in San Pedro comes the need for high levels of education on the island. In preparation for the new millennium, even persons that were neglected an education in the past are striving to maximize their academic skills. A school in San Pedro that always strives for the betterment of children and adults to achieve their goals in education is St. Peter's Elementary and St. Peter's College.

Opened in 1996, St. Peter's Elementary consists of classes from Infant I to Standard VI with five teachers and a total of 16812/30/2005 students. St. Peter's College is equivalent to a high school with four forms and 42 students. In 1998 St. Peter's College graduated its first group consisting of 7 students and St. Peter's Elementary graduated 18.

Recently St. Peter's good reputation was enhanced when Standard VI student, Candice Chavannes won the National Spelling Bee Contest held in Belize City. This is the first time that a student from San Pedro won this title.

The school is involved in many community events as well as sporting activities. The school is very conscious of the value of education and because of that Mr. Nuñez has 19 students in the elementary school who cannot afford to pay the fees. He supports their efforts to stay in school and says it keeps them off of the streets. He also provided 11 adults in the College with free tuition. Because of this Frank is doing the job of three teachers to cover the expenses. He hopes to get assistance from friends and the Area Representative, who have promised to assist the school. If this deal comes through, next year he hopes to become the administrator only. This he feels is essential to maintain the best interests of the students and the entire school.

By being the first high school and college in San Pedro, St. Peter's Elementary and St. Peter's College has opened doors to many students and adults and led them in the right direction. The school is widely admired for hard work and dedication for striving to make San Pedro's children academically ready for our day to day challenges.

Below are some newspaper articles that have been written in the last few years about St. Peter's.


Here are a few items that we could use donated if one is able:

  • Computers & Software
  • English Textbooks Grades 1-12
  • Math Textbooks Grades 1-12
  • Science Textbooks Grades 1 -12
  • Biology Textbooks Grades 9-12 or whatever available
  • Spelling Textbooks Grades 1-8
  • Anything pertaining to Science Lab equipment
Cash for Construction of our second floor can be sent to:
Account No. 36OOO55
St. Peter's College & Elementary
Bank of Nova Scotia
San Pedro Branch
12 Coconut Drive
San Pedro Ambergris Caye, Belize
Thank you very much, you can email us at [email protected]

by Apolinar Tzul

The beautiful island of San Pedro Ambergris Caye celebrates two milestones this week, the honour bestowed on Mr. Angel Nunez by Her Magesty the Queen and the glory that young Candice Chavannes has brought for the island as winner of the National Spelling B Contest held last week.

...The celebration continues on the island as the St. Peter's Elementary begin to boast of two modern computers presented to young Candice Chavannes, who emerged winner in the National Spelling B Contest held in Belize City. The fact that St. Peter's Elementary is barely three years in existence speaks volumes of the calibre of education being provided to the children. Congratulations to Candice, her teachers and especially to Principal Frank Nuñez who worked with all his might to bring honour to his school.


San Pedro- 19th June, 2004
In 1996, Nazira Santos graduated from primary school full of zeal and love for education. But her dreams to go to High School in San Pedro Town were crushed by the mere fact that her family was poor and could not afford her a high school education. Yet, she knew that getting an education was important.

Five years later, 17 year old Nazira finally began to work as a hotel maid to pay for her education. At the time, St. Peter's College was opened to offer evening classes. Cleaning countless bedrooms, bathrooms, mopping floors and washing sheets and towels, she slowly began to pay her way through school. Each year, her conditions improved and she became adjusted to working and going to night classes.

"1 wanted a diploma badly and 1 was making sure that 1 wasn't left out of this opportunity," Nazira said. After four years of hard work, Nazira not only made it to her graduation, but she became the valedictorian for her class of 2004.

St. Peter's Elementary and College opened in 1997 to provide quality education for many students like Nazira. School administrator/principal, Mr. Frank Nunez, J.P., explained that the school was established to provide for working class students and low-income families on San Pedro Ambergris Caye with equal opportunity to education. "Most of the students who come here, may have had bad track records in school but have been able to turn around and become successful," said Nunez. "I don't know if it's because they feel it's their last hope or they really want to come here. Either way, we make sure we provide a serious educational program because we just don't believe in selling diplomas."

Starting with only four classrooms and about 45 students, the school now boasts an enrollment of l05 students. Today, the is in the process of modifying the computer and chemis1ry labs, expand with more classrooms and offer improved evening programs.

During graduation ceremonies a total of thirty-five students graduated from both St Peter's Elementary and High School at the newly built "Ralph Fonseca Convention Hall".

Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Hon. Francis Fonseca presented primary school certificates and high school diplomas to the two groups during their commencement exercises, following the inauguration of the new hall. The BZ$125,OOO Ferro-concrete building, last night, served to accommodate more than 150 guests, friends and family members celebratingthe achievements of the graduates.

Following the Minister's cutting of the ribbon that signaled the opening of the hall, the first group of graduates comprising of nineteen primary school leavers marched up for their certificates. The majority of the students are expected to continue their studies at the St Peter's Secondary school night division. Later, the remaining, sixteen students of St. Peter's College commemorated the completion of their secondary studies.

Minister Fonseca congratulated the graduates for their hard work and dedication, noting the challenges most students faced. He acknowledged the need for programs such as these and pledged the Ministry's commitment to help equip the school with the necessary tools to provide quality education. He added that, with the growing tourism market, families need to continue to prioritize education.

Minister Fonseca said that he encouraged young people who may have dropped out of school or were unable to get higher education, to see Nazira as an example that it can be done. Taking advantage of schools such as St. Peter's, he said, could open many doors of opportunity.

In her remarks, valedictorian Nazira Santos said that pursuing her education allowed her to grow intellectually, spiritually, and as a person. "I'm finally able to find strength within myself, instead of depending on others," shared Nazira.

In encouraging others to continue their studies and never giving up their dreams, Nazira noted how her determination paid off, landing her on the honor-roll for the past four years, valedictorian of class 2004 and a new job. Holding her diploma in her hand, she said, "I learned that 1 could accomplish anything if I'm determined enough."

St. Peter's Elementary and St. Peter's College
San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize
Phone: +501-2O6-2123 or 226-3167
Email [email protected]

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