Tamalitos / Ducunu

Don’t be afraid to try the tamalitos available from the street stalls!
This week we feature cooking that is influenced by the Mestizo, who mainly use corn for cooking some of the most fascinating and scrumptious foods. But one in particular and probably the most sought after is the Tamalitos or as the creole say “Ducunu”. The name ducunu is derived from the garifuna which means ‘boiled cornbread’. The dish requires ample time for preparation, but with some quick easy steps to follow, there should be no problem getting it done. Tamalitos are made solely of corn and are rich in flavor. Here are some quick easy steps to follow on your own. First, get a hold of the ingredients; fresh green corn, 1 small onion, 1 small bell pepper, coconut milk (optional), 1 stick margarine melted, ¼ cup vegetable oil, thyme, salt, and corn meal (optional). First, take corn and husk it, make sure to save some of the greener leaves and place aside. In a bowl, slice kernel off the corn cob, blend or grind corn, onion, bell pepper and coconut milk (optional). Then, take the husks you saved and spoon mixture on husk; wrap the tamale and fold one end whilst leaving the other end open, then start placing them standing upright in a pot until tightly stacked. Lastly, cover the tamalitos with some corn husks and fill pot to half with water so as to avoid water from entering. Cover and place pot on high heat for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The dish is usually eaten as is, but to make the dish even better it can be accompanied with stewed chicken or other stewed meats. The dish itself is tasty and flavorful; a sure way to satiate your hunger. This tasty street treat can be purchased at several food stalls in San Pedro, including Monteros’ place situated in front of the Palace Casino. Join us next week as we continue to explore San Pedro’s street treats, Belizean style.

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