Plantain Chips

Most of the plantain chips sold in stores or at street stalls are sold with a sauce that is a delicious accompaniment.
What is a plantain? The plantain is considered a cousin of the banana. However, it is best known as a vegetable rather than a fruit because it is larger in size and can not be eaten raw. The plantains are picked and processed green, sliced into thin chips, cooked in pure vegetable oil and packaged ready to eat. When the plantain is fried, the product is unique in its own way, having a natural and distinctly delicious flavor which makes it “the alternative snack.”

The fried plantain is a popular snack for many and is plenty delicious. Most commonly sold in bags for a dollar, it can be prepared with just a little work. Simply follow these steps and have yourself fresh home made plantain chips for you and yours. First gather your basic ingredients; raw green plantains, oil, salt and water. Take and skin plantains, place in a salt and water solution and let it soak for a couple minutes. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Once the oil is heated, take the sliced, skinned plantains (1/16” thick) and add to the oil for frying. Make sure to control the heat so that the plantains are not burned. Once the plantains are about half fried, the color starts to change. Keep frying the plantains to a crispy stage. Remove the fried plantains from oil and drain them in paper towels.

Once the fried plantains are at room temperature, keep them in closed container. They are excellent for outdoor events like picnics or just a snack to munch on when hungry. They can be bought at fruit and veggie stalls or you local stores in San Pedro. Join us next week for a new edition of San Pedro’s street treats!

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