The Hangover

    What was that clanging sound? So loud�
    Ring ring�
    One eye unglues enough to let in light. The room tilts sideways. Too bright, must close eyes once more�

    (Two hours later�)
    What is that pounding�it�s getting more intense! Aargh�
    Snatches of laughter � a flashback of sorts.
    Why does my mouth taste like an ashtray? It smells like a nightclub � oh�my hair! Gross, that takes two shampoos and conditions. Where did I end up last night?

Mary Gonzalez's Facebook profile

    Concen-OW!-concentrate. Yeah, that won�t work; just go back to sleep.
    �What time is it anyway?
    2:30�whoa, is that PM?! What date? Do I have to go back to work? What is that manly cologne smell? On my shirt�oh, that cannot be good. Who was I talking to?

    Irish accent�drunken argument about entitlement. That Irishman was confused. World War II�who talks about War at the bar? Who was that giggling the entire time? Oh no�that was me! I giggled in the Irishman�s face? I laughed at the War? Money. Why did he try to give me money�???

    DO NOT FROWN! Pain intensifies.
I need to get out of bed. There�s a fully clothed snoring lug next to me. It�s too much of an effort to move. My head hurts - sleep�blessed sleep�that�s all I want.
Iranian, Turkish father�Afghanistani mother�honestly, was it a meeting of the UN council? What on earth?! Did he say he would absolutely join the American Army? Wow, yes he did�my friend was incredulous�I do believe her reaction was �Why the f*&% would you?� He was nice�and beautiful�we ran him off!! His shorts were plaid�we laughed at his shorts�oh, the shame�we were naughty, naughty! Why was that even funny at the time?

The AC has stopped. The phone is ringing.
Oh, speak of the devil.
I�m dying�yes, so am I�how is?...snoring, how is?�dying too; have you heard from�been texting, wondering about you�okay, can�t talk more, back to bed�drink lots of water�
Getting out of bed is a nightmare. No, this is all a nightmare! I am never drinking again. Fuzzy teeth, ew�make that never smoking either�brush�count�1 brush, 2 brush, 3 brush�look in the mirror, slept with makeup on again�
Aspirin, water, Coke, shower, food.

Camera! Pictures of the night. Evidence!
Hmmm, fuzzy, unfocused. Oh, Iranian boy was hot�why did we run him off? Snoring lump started snoring at the BAR?! Oh, my! How did everyone else get home? Who are those people? I need to sleep again�
Gorgeous Halle Berry�BC�s�October 16, 2009. �We wuz there.�

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