Chloe is back in Texas now, after Mom's perfect funeral. Mom had all her affairs in order, even preplanned her funeral. She was with out a doubt the strongest woman any one could ever meet. She would have been 87 next month. Failing over the last few years mentally, but was still sassy and had her great sense of humor. Her first 82 years were the greatest of health and ease. All of us felt her peace and calm at the end, even tho she never allowed peace and calm during her strong years.
We were sad and grieved, but we were prepared to lay her to rest.

Amazing, how all your above posting carried me through, knowing people I have never met, could come together, and give me warmth and love with wonderful words. I was reading, during the time I was making all the travel plans, to Milwaukee.
Thank you so very much.

I do miss my Mother, but I know she gave all of us all she could all the time, now we must go on and give to our kids and grandkids as she did.

Thanks again, Lois/Chloe

Dare To Deviate