There can be many warning signs that a dive should be aborted, both before and during the dive. I personally know a former dive master who has permanent neurological damage from having to chase a diver who got nacrosis and went the "wrong way". Any diver who allows themselves to experience narcosis is putting both themselves and others in danger. The Blue Hole dive is not a dive where the dive masters should have to watch 20 divers at 20 different depths trying to avoid narcosis. It is just my opinion that if a diver gets narcosis on a group dive when the profile is to dive to depths of 130ft or greater, they should abort their dive for both their own safety and the safety of the others. There is no reason to hang out at 80ft in the Blue Hole where there is nothing to see and have the dive master not be able to devote all of his attention to the divers that are diving the planed dive.

Just one opinion. smile