cat, I always have a small flashlight with me too.

In the Blue Hole, I take my big light as well. I too have looked into chambers in the walls of the Blue Hole. But if the diver is not that experienced and doing the BH for the first time, they are probably better off without trying to fiddle with their light.

Also, you may not believe that you have experienced narcosis, many divers don't think they have, yet we all do to some degree. It's physiology after all.

Bigger groups of divers, generally have three DMs in the water with them. As for Amigos, if they have a large group of divers on the boat that day, they will break them into two groups, sometimes even three. I like to be in the second or third group. More chance of seeing the sharks.

Also, I believe that the lip into the Hole is more like 40'.

A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where will they build their nest?