I had a cup of MacD's coffee in Chicago Midway last month that I had to let set for 45 minutes before I could drink it. I am amazed that that stupid cup could keep it that hot that long. I was amazed that it was so hot to start with. I was angry because I only got 2 sips after all that time and they wouldn't let me bring it on the plane.
Many years ago I remember a product liability suit and the outcome was on the news. The plaintiff sued becasue he injured himself trimming a hedge with his rotary lawn mower. Apparently there was no "warning label". The plaintiff won some big bucks, and the news showed him and his relatives walking out of the courtroom with big smiles. Basically, wearing their stupidity like a badge of honor. What idiot doesn't know you can't hold your stupid lawn mower at chest height and trim a hedge?
Generic label. "You must be this bright to use our product."
Don't talk bad about college students, they are our best and brightest (they keep reminding us). laugh

Been there, done that, the washing machine ate the T-shirt