The reason it doesnt make sense to you why someone would fly if there is a problem is multi fold.
1) Before the pinto was pulled, if you were one of the people that blew up, before you blew up, i assure you your family didnt know there was a safety issue. It took lawsuits and the Pinto being pulled before it became mass knowledge. There is no media, until recently on the MU2, and even that...until me, how many of you had heard of it?
2) If you are a pilot, and you have a family to support since you were laid off from a major airline due to a couple planes being flow into a couple big buildings in NYC, you take whatever ****ty measely job you can get. you do what you have to do, cause its the only way you know to make a living. this, however, does not excuse the company who chose these planes to fly rather than a safer one. Tom was considered one of the best trained pilots in the US on the MU2. If you research, despite all the warnings, statistics and other information available, some people continue to argue they are safe to fly. Tom was not one of those people, he, like a fork lift driver, operated the machine he was told he had to operate. He didnt look into the safety rating, just like a fork lift driver wouldnt look into the safety rating of the exact make and model of the lift they were asked to operate.
3)If you dont know what information to look for, you wont find it.

hindsight is 20/20, but it doesnt mean that the individual is necessarily culpable when manufacturer, employer and 2 branches of government know the problems exist still do nothing.