Although I am not an occupational therapist, I am a mother of two children who have received both OT and PT during infancy. My
youngest child Haley had a bleed in the middle cerebral artery of her right brain that destroyed her parietal and occipital lobes at birth. (nearly 50%) Within in a few weeks of the bleed, she started receiving occupational therapy. OT works to retrain the brain and helps establish pathways and reroute around the damage. Several months later, she started receiving physical therapy to handle the physical aspects of her cerebral palsy. OT in infancy is particulary effective because of the neuroplasticity of the youngster's brain. Today she is a beautiful happy 9 year old. She has a modest IQ and "mild" cerebral palsy, but has far exceeded her original prognosis of possible "vegetative state". I am currently an Occupational Therapy Student and while I admit, I am not the expert, I've witnessed the power of "early intervention". I think long term OT and PT will be very necessary if Herb's child is to reach his potential, but in my experience, the sooner he receives help, the better off he will be. I am only drawing from my own experiences and the knowledge of my therapists. Thanks everyone for your interest. I'll keep posting until I find someone! Thanks again for the info Mayatravel. I will be contacting Harold.

[This message has been edited by Teenah (edited 09-02-2002).]