Jsk, I hope you continue to read this board, given enough time some good information will be posted.

I don't have a license to speak here, but will try to give some input. Ambergris does spell Paradise, if you do not have to earn a living on Ambergris.

Life on AC seems like paradise and can be, but do not be fooled, it is difficult/hard for long term living. If you are a good person, then everyone will be good to you.

Town safe, yes it is safe, but again use your good judgement to keep yourself safe, avoid the bad elements. Like too much alcohol and drugs.
Go lightly on gossip too.

Community, great community, good lovely happy smiling people, trying to make a better place everyday. Locals put up with alot of crap from tourists daily, but they keep smiling, to feed their families with the tourists bucks.

Costly, yes costly. Shop around for housing and food. Services will be costly.

Indian food, that has been covered above.

Pass Time........best pass time is under the water, enjoying the freedom of the Caribbean sea.
Pass time is not all about Belikins/beer, really.

Michigan....nothing like the Michigan I know, Belize is a whole different delightful laid back world.

Chloe is just a visitor, but pays close attention, to all.

Best of luck to you.

Dare To Deviate