Two beautiful framed mirrors, large, heavy and unique. One is round almost 4 feet in diameter with a heavy brown leather like frame.
The other is rectangular with palm trees and elephants. About 24"x36". Both are very nice, asking $300bze for the smaller,and $400bze for the larger one.
Three bulb fluted shade hanging lamp, like new. Antiqued brass finish, paid 900bze, asking $500
Black wrought iron wall hanging. Hold 12 votive candles or shot glasses. Tiny leaf shaped mirrors adorn. $150bze
Antique white hanging lamp, three bulbs. Has tiny crystal 5 pedal flowers all over it to diffuse the light. Beautiful piece of art. $400
Deep freeze, small, and rusty on the top. Needs hinges for the cover though it makes a seal. Looks kinda old and used but it works excellent. 100bze
