I've never had a problem with speaking my mind. I wish everyone were as open. Sometimes people don't like to hear what I have to say, so I try to work on the presentation. My 'problem' if you can call it that, is that I don't talk just to talk. Some people guage their interactions with people by how many words pass between them, not the words and underlying meanings.

If I do the bottle (which looks pretty likely) I'll write a nice poem for it about our relationship and its future. I've given her a few poems in the past, so its an ongoing thing.

I guess I want something that will make her feel like, 'wow, he went to all this trouble for me.' and 'it was the most beautiful moment.'

I'll be fine with whatever happens along the way (I don't get too frustrated when things don't go right) but I'm only going to do this once, so I want to make it a nice thing that her friends would be envious of, and make it as memorable as possible.

I can do anything, I just can't do everything...