Folks, we are far from our goal of US$50,000 to construct/equipt and staff the kitchen/lunchroom at the RC elementary school in San Pedro. In fact, we are US$37,000 short. Our annual meeting is only about 40 days away. Using these numbers, we need approxamatly US$1,000 per day. Some of you have promised financial support so now would be the ideal time to honor your commitment. If you are among thoes who are fortunate enough and have the desire to give something back to the island and the kid's, PLEASE give us your support. The kid's are the one's who will suffer, not you or me or my kid's, but the future of these kid's is at stake. Any donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated and go directly to the kid's fund. The SPSC has no paid employees, no overhead or debt. All our efforts go to this project. For additional, detailed information, please visit our website at
