Here's one that Neighbor Dave and I came up with on our trip down to AC (got back yesterday). On our first day there, we bought a large packet of unsalted roasted cashews from a beach vendor and we already had some great roasted corn tortilla chips that we'd got at Marina's for snacking. On our second day, we went reef fishing and caught some snapper and triggerfish, which we had filleted. So we came up with Cashew Crusted Triggerfish, and it goes like this:

Throw enough corn chips in a blender to give you about a cup of finely ground corn meal crumbs. Then add about a cup of the cashews and grind them together. Don't grind the cashews first or you'll have cashew butter. Dip the fillets in an egg wash (one beaten egg) and then dredge them in the cashew/corn meal mix and saute over medium-high heat in butter or oil until golden brown. Serve with a wedge of lime and ample Belikin or white wine.

Great eats and quick to make. laugh

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.