We live in San Pedro and our sixteen year old has used the internet as a home schooling tool. A school based in Virginia I believe. The diciplinary methods at the High School here do not fit US people very well. Very strict and little flexibily. The level of the classes is much lower than a typical US school in my opinion. The Island Academy howerver is a first rate operation. It's rather expensive though. As far a moving here I must caution anyone about that. This place is not what it seems when you are on vacation. It's not for everyone. Life can be very hard at times. You have to be tough and smart to make it here. I'd advise Coming and staying a couple of months first and then decide. Three months seems to be the breaking point for most people. If you last that long you will probably stay. If not.....We see it every day. Broke dreamers hightailing it back home. Good luck.