How funny you should bring this up. I live at the Royal Palms too and are well aware of the 'petty rule enforcement' you are talking about. As far as I can tell, there are a couple of people here who have no authority but who try to tell everyone who lives here how to live their lives. Of course them and their friends are exempt. Your private joke ain't no joke either. Security have told me that I am not allowed to be on the dock at night and neither is anyone else who lives at Royal Palms. And if you are thinking of renting for a vacation, keep in mind that tenants are not allowed to have guests at the pool (unless you are a tenant who is friends with these people). Some people have had the security guards threaten them with fines becuase they put their beach towl out to dry. I cant believe the Homeowners Association wont do something about these people as this place has a terrible reputation because of them and property values have dropped.