I really appreciate everyone's suggestions.

No, we would never buy on the first trip. My take on a C.O. is that they check out all the paper work to make sure all the "i.s" are dotted and all the "t's" are crossed. Am I wrong? That said there will be lots of people asked who they trust as a buyer's lawyer. We tend to hang out with the locals rather than isolate our selves in resorts. No fun there! LOL

We won't do a mortgage most likely. I think we made 3-4 trips at least before we bought the lot on ST. Croix. We have been reading everything we can find on Belize and truthfully are starting to shy away. Seems like there is a lot of problems with the PM and other officials. But then we have good ol' Georgie boy. (eye rolling here) The situation here is one of the reasons we are looking out of the states for a place to live.

When we find out exactly when we are going to be there I would really appreciate some contact information with many of you here. I think we are going to stay at Lily's on AC. I like the idea of being right on the beach & being able to visit with people walking by. I have looked at several places and it's about the most central location. If any one has a better suggestion please feel free to post it. We usually have more fun in more modest hotels. As long as it's clean and safe. We're pretty easy to please plus I have a small problem with asthma and arthritis and Lily's looks like it's close to everything.
We'd rather spend our money on rum, beer & good food than a fancy hotel suite. Hey! We got our priorities straight. LOL

One more thing. We are looking at Clarissa Falls as a place to spend a few days in the mountains. Any input on them? Any other suggestions?

Thanks again

Last edited by Nancy1340; 05/27/07 12:46 PM.