You have in your 6 paragraphs captured the "Lure" of San Pedro.

Your excellent description of the simple pleasure of taking a walk on the beach, meeting with the local children , and the experiences you had with the local people and the vendors , who ply thier wares is exactly why my wife and I fell in love with San Pedro. Even better for us was the outpouring of friendliness we encountered with not only the indigenous people, but also, the Ex-Pats who opened up their hearts and homes to us.

My wife and I, among others who frequent this Board, will be in SP in November as well ( 10-17). I sincerly hope this time frame overlaps or coincides with your next visit.It would be a pleasure to meet you and your husband.If these dates ( 10-17 Nov.)are in your schedule, and you wish to meet with fellow Lovers of AC. please PM me and we can arrange a time to link up with each other.

Never Use money to measure wealth