Bean...You think that you're a moron? I graduated college at 22 years old with an accounting degree and guess what I did? Yep, this genius went out and opened a restaurant! Now 27 years later I'm still doing the same shit. OUCH! You wanna know something? My restaurant has five bathrooms, yep that's right count em' FIVE and guess who cleans em' all? This fringing intellect with the accounting degree, that's who. Jesse, truer words were never spoken! Believe me if you start giving people food poisoning and I don't give a shit in what country you're talking about, you ain't gonna be open very long! I have to admit something though and I should and deserve to receive tons of hate mail from this comment, but I sure wish someone,anyone, would spend a little,tiny amount of time cleaning Fido's bathrooms! I know it is pronounced feedoes but it sure as hell smells like fido's. It is a shame because I think that restaurant is great too. There I go again getting myself in trouble. Marty, you just gotta start censoring me.