Te Belize system is developed on the assumption that family reunification is best for the child. In fact, most studies show that to be true. There are children who are released for adoption when family reunification is not possible. Many of the kids are adopted by Belizeans here and in the US. It is not easy, and I personally believe it should not be easy.
Mary is working her way through a frustrating system intent upon protecting the kids. Through her good faith work, she will eventually set up an ethical system under the Hague treaty I am sure.
As to the general foster care system, there are good foster homes ( Marla's House of Hope.) and not so good ones. The government shuts down the bad ones when they can.
The largest group of new residents to these homes is sexually exploited young girls. Perpetrators of this particular crime come in all colors and residency status' so it behooves all of those concerned with this issue to take a stand.