I know people who've been caught trying to smuggle goods in. Innocuous stuff in small quantities for personal use (no, I'm not talking about drugs). All that happened to them was that they were charged the duty they should have paid. They were lucky. In the UK if you're caught in similar circumstances you can be charged three times the duty that was payable, AND have the goods confiscated, AND if you are not yourself British be barred from entering the country on that occasion. That means you're put on a plane back to where you came from at YOUR expense.

All a bit risky for a small potential benefit. Of course, you may get away with it.....

But for a couple of bottles of wine I'd try it, and if I were stopped just plead ignorance. The worst that would probably happen to you is that you'd be charged duty. But beware - don't actually lie to Customs officers. Be misleading perhaps, but if you're asked a direct question give an honest answer. Or they may throw the book at you. They're not after tourists maybe bringing a bit more than their allowance, but if you take them for fools they will understandably react.